Mother's Helping Hand/Start/Virgin/List

From All The Fallen Stories
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So, she's asking you to choose a girl? Like, just look out the window and point to one or something? Somehow that really doesn't sound like a good idea. You also feel like you are just going to make an idiot of yourself in front of your mother. You still can't really believe she's saying what she's saying, this can't be real.

You decide to just go ahead and ask your mother. "What do you mean choose?" You demand.

"Just like I said." You mother says, looking down at you with that usual look that say's she knows she's in charge and you're supposed to do as she says. "I want you to tell me what girl peaks your interest, and I will do everything in my power to get her for you. I realize I've failed you now, I cannot let this situation continue. Just pick a girl, I will make sure you can loose your virginity to her. By the end of the day if at all possible."

Wow! Ok, so... she's really serious. There's fairly little room for misinterpretation with her words now. One problem though. "So, uhh... what girls can I pick from?" You ask.

"Are you deaf son!? Or are you really just this weak willed?" Your mother chastizes you. "I said any girl, and I really meant ANY girl."

"But... I don't even know where to start with something like this." You protest. Your mother lets out a sigh.

"Alright, fine. How about this? I will just bring up the files on all the students and faculty. Read through the names and just pick one, I'll bring up their file and then you can tell me if this matches your interest." With those words, she sits down at her desk and begins tapping away at her computer. She quickly pulls up a list and you can see all the girls at the school.

Maybe you should narrow down the list first?

The Elementary School House

Girls in the Kindergarten or Pre-school classes

Girls in first grade

Girls in second grade

Girls in third grade

Girls in fourth grade

Girls in fifth grade

The Middle School House

Girls in sixth grade

Girls in seventh grade

Girls in eighth grade

High School House

Girls in ninth grade

Girls in tenth grade

Girls in eleventh grade

Girls in twelfth grade

The College House

Faculty and Staff

Single Faculty

Staff in a relationship

Married Staff
