Mother's Helping Hand/Start/Virgin/MC/Low Magic

From All The Fallen Stories
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"Seriously, you have a way to control minds?" You ask your mother skeptically. She seems to be making a really crazy claim here.

"Well, you'll find out soon." She responds. "I have to caution you though, you do not want to do anything that would cause permanent harm to any of the girls under the effects of the mind control, my contact really does not take well to that."

Really? She's actually serious about this!? But, even if there WAS someone she had who could do mind control for you... "But, umm... would this person actually be Ok with me having sex with the mind controlled girl?" You ask, a little shaky.

Your mother just has a cocky smirk in response to this. "Oh, don't worry about that." She says. "She would actually be far more willing to help if she knows the girl she's putting under mind control is going to end the night with a pussy full of a man's sperm. In fact, I am pretty sure she would agree to help in an instant with no strings attached if I just explained that's the situation and our intentions."

Wow, seriously!? Your mother actually knows someone like that!?

"Now then, just let your mother take care of the rest. You just stay out of trouble until I get everything set up. Now, how about you go hang out around the house, I have to make some calls." With that, you are sent out for the day without a lot to do.

Several hours later, after a morning of wondering what the hell your mother had up her sleeve, you hear the sound of a female voices from downstairs you don't recognize. These are still active school hours, so you are pretty sure it's not going to be any of your sisters. Well, by the sound of the voice, you are already sure it isn't your little sisters anyway. You can't tell exactly what this woman is saying, but a part of you is curious if it might have to do with this whole mind control thing your mother was talking about, and you just have to go out to investigate.

When you come out of your room and go down the stairs, you find your mother together with a woman who does not look all that much older than you dressed in a dark tie-dye dress, like a hippie flower-child in the modern day. It's kinda strange to see. As soon as you come down, this woman turns to you immediately.

"Oh, this must be the young man!" She says, and then walks right up to you and immediately gets into your personal space, stroking your chin and chest as she slowly walks around your body. "So, you are the one who Meridith says needs to learn how to be a proper man, hmm...?" She smiles a very light smile that almost seems shy, but somehow confident at the same time. It is a very strange experience just being around this woman.

"Jack," Your mother addresses you, "This is Helen Moon. She is the school's first grade teacher, I had a substitute stand in for her class so she could get away and be here for this. She's the one who's going to help you out in getting a girl to help with your problem." You look to your mother for a second in surprise, and then back to the strange woman who's light smile has suddenly turned slightly smug, but that's only there for a second before her dance-like movements allow it to dissolve.

"Wh... what!?" You respond. "Uhh... are you... are you trying to tell me the first grade teacher has some kind of mind control powers she's going to use to hypnotize some girls for me to, uhh..." You pause in your words and look back to the strange woman, and your face goes beet red.

"Ohh... now that's no good." The strange 1st grade teacher speaks as though she's consoling a child who just made some childish mistake. "You are going to have to say what you mean with confidence if you are going to be a man Jack. You can go ahead and say it. You are going to have sex, the girl is going to be completely under your control, she will be your sex slave. That all sounds good now, doesn't it?" She says, rattling off those completely obscene lines without ever loosing the tone as though she was talking to a 6 year old child.

"Ahh.. that..." You stammer. She walks back over and begins tickling your neck again as she gently drapes her arms on your shoulder. This woman, in some ways, almost seems worse than your mother was this morning.

"Come on, you can say it." She coaxes you, still keeping the tone like she's talking to a child. "Just say, 'yes I want to have sex.' Can you say that?"

"I, uhh..." You stammer again. Your mom and this woman are both looking at you with expectation. You don't seem to be able to get out of this one. And, well, it would be the absolute truth to give them the answer they want. "I.. yes!"

"Yes what?" She asks you again.

"Yes, I want to have sex!"

"You want to have sex with your sex slave. Can you say that for me?" She keeps going at it.

"I... I want to have sex with my sex slave." You repeat, you feel very embarrassed with all of this.

"Hmm... yes, there. I knew you could do it!" She says, and then removes her weight from your shoulder and begins dancing across the room as though she were a fluttering bird that just took flight. She does a spin and then looks at you with an easy smile. "Now then, do you want to ask me anything about this?"

"I, uhh..." Yes, you have SO MANY questions, but all of them seem to be frozen in your brain over the sheer absurdity of this situation. You were surprised to discover this morning just how perverted your mother was, but now you have this woman suddenly showing up and she somehow seems way more perverted than even your mom was, and it's all with that completely disarming smile and the casual way she speaks about sex like she's talking about saying your please and thank-yous.

Well, you suppose you'd better come up with SOMETHING to ask about.