Talk:Mother's Helping Hand/Bio/Allister Weir

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Hmmm... could work this in with the Sarah Harper storyline, making it so she was Allister's most recent victim. It would resolve a few things, one of those being how she was dating a guy for three months even with the school's strict rules on male involvement, another being how it is that the MC's mother with all her connections has not been able to find this boy yet. Answer, it's because it was actually a girl who seduced her and maybe the demon implanted false memories on her. Also, since the MC's mother is on the hunt for the attacker, it would eventually lead them to her. And, since the attack was recent, that means that the next one won't be for a while.

The one issue is that she was sexually assaulted when she was 12, but it could be argued she did not loose her virginity during the attack. Maybe the man who assaulted her had a huge cock that couldn't fit her pussy so forced her to perform oral. That would definitely fit for the trauma without having her loose her virginity. Jemini (talk) 05:58, 6 March 2020 (CET)

The man that assaulted Sarah may have only been able to do oral and anal sex and had to leave before he got to actually taking her virginity, as he was saving it for last.

Also there is no prohibition against the high school girls dating boys in town especially the Jr. and Sr. girls, the school even hosts mixers with the other local high schools. They just have a curfew.

There is also one very large elephant in the room, how did Alister an evil possessing entity with a demon attached to his soul get past the Moons? Telgar (talk) 21:15, 5 March 2020 (PST)

-shrug- it might have been an oversight. You have several magical entities (the Drow race) and several humans with the ability to use magic.

The magical energy that Allister has can be overlooked as there are other Witches, not sure about having a second suppressed soul or a demon though.

Right! Allister has mind altering magic, it might not fully work in the Moon family or the Drows. They know something is off about Jodie, they just aren't sure what is it that is out of the ordinary --MrPib (talk) 06:39, 6 March 2020 (CET)

Another thing, the demon needs another "willing" virgin this year. Allister got the body at age 8, the demon allowed 4 years to get used to the body and came back at age 12 and would then come back this year.

(brainwash/mind alteration are within his power. The demon didn't specify that Allister had to find a girl who was actually willing) --MrPib (talk) 06:45, 6 March 2020 (CET)

What I'm saying is he could have already assaulted Sarah, that would make her his victim for this year. Not some other girl. Jemini (talk) 15:51, 6 March 2020 (CET)

I think what Mr.Pib is suggesting, and the timing, ironically works, is make both assaults be Alistair's Demon. The first one didn't take her virginity, so they had to find someone else for that year, so it came back for her this time. The special place is that rest stop, however since it tried and fails last time it created a loophole that let the Demon try with her again away from the special place.

This would link the two characters back story some more and give more ammo for the investigation, as another girl was raped at that rest stop on that day.

One thing to consider, if we go with this, that potentially takes some of the negativity and tragedy away from Sarah's background. The miscarriage was less an Innocents death and more the prevention of a "Damion", which now makes the punishment of the Twins worth less as they were not responsible for the death of an innocent life. Telgar (talk) 07:54, 6 March 2020 (PST)

As for mind migic on the Moons, that won't work, they are "Gods". Yes de-powered God's, but still God's. The abilities of a mortal mind mage, especially one weakend to the point he has to possess another being, just won't work on them, neither should the abilities of a mere Demon, so something else, something bigger is hiding him from them. Anything else would be mere plot armour or weaken them. Detecting possessed students and wards to prevent Demons or other evil entities from entering the school ground's would be magic 101 level stuff.

Also consider that since Jody was 8 when she was possesed, was she already a student at the time or did Alistair's influence cause her mother to send her to Lamptons, if she was already a student then we're right back to how her possession was hidden from the Moons and others who could easily detect that a student was possessed, especially with the resulting personality changes. If she wasn't then why pick Lamptons when other less magically protected schools are available. Sending her to Derleth, with it's evil faculty and advisors, might have been a more logical choice. Telgar (talk) 08:00, 6 March 2020 (PST)

Could be a rather simple explanation, the demon lied to Allister about needing to fill his end of the bargain and actually does not need to bring girls to him to rape at all, and so the effect is he's just possessing a girl as himself and no level of demon possession is going on and everything else is just ways to hide him. (Of course, he believes the demon, thus he does bring the girls for the demon to rape.)

Also, it might be the reason the demon gave up on impregnating Sarah the first time is because it sensed the Moon family approaching as they were beginning to search for her. So, he had to bug out quickly and leave the act unfinished.

As for the initial possession, it could have taken place during one of the school breaks. Like a holliday or summer vacation or something. Jemini (talk) 17:19, 6 March 2020 (CET)

Basically, everything is concealed by the fact it's a mortal soul being used. Maybe his power is even weakened somewhat because the demon is using part of Allister's own soul to power the concealment spell, so it's a weak human soul rather than a demon that would be detected. Jemini (talk) 17:20, 6 March 2020 (CET)

That works however I would recommend removing the references in Jody's bio of the monster in her room that comes out every four years, as that would indicate the Demon or something more than a mere mortal soul is there with her, and also gives credence to the need for the assault every four years. Telgar (talk) 08:25, 6 March 2020 (PST)

Another interesting possibility, the reason acts of sex would break the spell could be because of how the power of the Moon family is so tied to sex. Thus, it's another area where the demon told a falsehood. It's not some demon curse designed to end under these conditions. It's just that the spell will be naturally overwhelmed if the moon family's power begins applying to "her" body via male-female sex occurring. But, the demon made him believe it's his own power doing it in order to sell this more. (And the impenitrable hymen and non-enjoyment of sex would be counter-measures to work against the Moon's power, as masturbation might empower them as well, especially if it generates sexual gratification. Jemini (talk) 17:53, 6 March 2020 (CET)