Mother's Helping Hand/School

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The Outskirts:

Lamptons exists in a mythological location that is both every nation and none. Any and all fantasy and science fictional races can and do exist here, and the outskirts have no end. Magic, super science, aliens, Androids, super powered beings, fantastical creatures and monsters all live in and around the school. Your imagination is the only limit to what can be found here. Click on the links below for more information on Lamptons and surrounding areas.

Lamptons School for Young Women

Larange City

Catacombs and Underground

Non-Human Communities

There are innumerable races and communities around Larange City. Some are benevolent others hostile. The city and school ignore these communities unless the pose a threat to their interests.

The many and varied communities of the outskirts rang from tribal bands living in cave's to communes of self aware Androids living in high tech facilities. For the most part the communities stick to themselves.

Non-Human Students

Non-Human Students are permitted at Lamptons as long as they are of similar life span and appearance as humans. Students with long or short life spans tend to produce learning and discipline issues, as do students that are so different in appearance that they would require special accomodations to attend school.

Non-Human faculty

Non-Humans are permitted and encouraged to be faculty at Lamptons as long as they have reached their races age of majority, and are able to follow the schools rules. Again races requiring special accomodations to attend Lamptons will not be considered for facility positions.

Lamptons and Gender

Lamptons is not a progressive school and only acknowledges two genders. Male and Female. In order to be considered for admittance as a student or for a faculty position, you must have been born or permanently transformed into a female, with no indication of a Y Chromosome anywhere on your body. Genderless races and beings are considered female for the purpose of admittance, and must always be in a female form or dress while on school ground's.


Slavery is one of the many things that Larange City and the outskirts turn a blind eye on. Each community has it's own rules and laws some allowing it completely others outlawing it and setting any slaves found in their territory free. The ways to acquire or become a slave vary as much but as everything else.

One rule however does apply at Lamptons, no current student can be a permanent slave, if a student enters into a permanent slave contact, willingly or by force, they are no longer a student at Lamptons. Temporary submission as a slave for no more than 24 hours is permitted as long as it doesn't interfere with your duty to the school.


The religions of the region are as numerous and various as the many races and communities. Below is just a sampling of the many religons and their practices. (Feel free to add as needed for your story path.)

The One

The One is the primary religion of Lamptons and Larange. The One is an androgynous benevolent being who takes on many forms and is referred to as both sexes and none in it's religious texts. It is used when no gender specific pronoun is required for it's reference; He is used in reference to most Masculine references, anger, aggressiveness, combat, forging etc; she is used in reference to most Feminine references, healing, nurturing, educating, creating etc.

The Church of The One does not discriminate within it's clergy or followers, all races and sexes are permitted to belong and hold positions within it's ranks.

It is a common held misconception that clergy of The One take vows if chastity and poverty. A misconception that the clergy doesn't discourage. The clergy in fact do not take any vows except to follow the tenants of the one, to teach it's followers and to protect the innocent. The Church holds purity in all its forms as holy, so most of the clergy choose to refrain from all temptations of the flesh and relinquish all vows and ties of family or fealty to all but the church.



Religious Orders

The One is broken down into four primary Religious Orders: The Order of the Sun, The Order of the Moon, The Order if Truth, The Order of the Shield and The Order if the Rose.

Order of the Sun

The Order of the Sun it the religious order dedicated to the leadership, education and spiritual growth of the church. It consists of Monks/Nuns, Priests/Priestesses, High Priests/Priestesses and Patrons/Matrons.

Religious Herarchy

Monks/Nuns: Monks and Nuns are the most prolific and common in the Order. It is the starting rank in the Order. Their duties consist primarily in taking care of the day to day needs of the Church, Order and flock. Secondary to that are their studies for progression within the Order.

Priest/Priestess: Responsible for a particular Church, Convent or other religons structure, the Priest/Priestesses is the ultimate rule and authority for church matters in their area of governance. They are also responsible for guiding the masses in the tennants of faith and caring out judgment for religons crimes among the clergy beneath them.

Priests/Priestesses have authority over any member of a different order of equal or lesser rank assigned to them.

Lamptons currently has one Priestess assigned to it's church, while Larange currently has three Priests and two Priestesses assigned to various religons buildings.

High Priest/Priestesses: Responsible for the governance and care for all religious organizations in a given area. They hold sway over multiple locations and in some cases multiple cities.

High Priests/Priestesses have authority over any member of a different order in their area of equal or lesser rank, unless the member is in the area temporarily on the orders of another of equal or higher rank than the High Priest/Priestesses.

Lamptons and Larange are oversean by one High Priestesses.

Patron/Matron: Patrons/Matrons oversea the governance of an area controled by multiple High Priests/Priestesses.

Patrons/Matrons have authority over any member of a different order in their area of equal or lesser rank, unless the member is in the area temporarily on the orders of another of equal or higher rank than the Patron/Matron.

The entirety of the outskirts to include Lamptons and Larange is under the authority of one Matron.

There is one Patron/Matron who is considered the head of The Order of the Sun. This is an appointed position by the Patriarch/Matriarch and is a lifetime appointment. Currently the head of the Order of the sun is a Patron

Patriarch/Matriarch: The Patriarch/Matriarch is the final rule and authority over the entire church.

The current Matriarch in charge of the church of the one is, Glen Highstaff. She is the first Non-Human to hold the rank and has held it for over 100 years. She was formally of The Order of the Rose.

The Patriarch/Matriarch is an elected lifetime position, chosen by the heads of the Orders from any Patron/Matron, Saint, Emissary, Grand Inquisitor or Grand Healer. The Patriarch/Matriarch disavows all vows and ties to they're previous Order and officially belong to all and none.



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