Hot Summer Job/Try to find some clothes

From All The Fallen Stories
< Hot Summer Job
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You watch Rissa's hand as it moves over her crotch, dainty fingers prying at her still glistening lips. Of course when she realizes how hard you're watching her she slowly pulls her hand away and brings her thighs together demurely. You look into her eyes and smile. She smiles back and looks away from you, but not before glancing at your spent and still twitching cock.

With a sigh you lean your head back. The house is now still. The sun beats brightly through the windows and you can already feel the temperature rising. You're sure you'd be perfectly comfortable in your birthday suit for the rest of the day but you're also sure that is a generally bad idea. You do spot your t-shirt next to the couch but you'd have to seek out Kylie to get the rest of your clothes and based on her exit she might need some time to cool off.

"So Kylie took my pants..." you mutter aloud.

"Yeah. And my nightie," adds Larissa, placing her hands atop her thighs.

She didn't seem to get that hint. So you try another. "At least you have other clothes you can wear. I don't have anything."

Larissa perks up, finally cluing in. "I think I could find you something."

"Really? Anything would be awesome."

Larissa springs up onto her feet. She examines your lower half once more, smiles and nods to herself, then runs away and up the stairs.

Sitting up, you grab onto your dick without even thinking and pump it a few times. You're still absurdly horny but your post-orgasm-penis needs at least a few minutes.

Pokemon cards still cover the coffee table. If not for Kylie, you'd probably still be playing with Larissa right now.

Small feet hurriedly stomp their way down the stairs again.

"That was fast!" you reply, honestly taken back by her speed. Larissa comes into view, jumping over the last two steps to the ground floor and landing just as naked as when she left, her stomach still streaked with your cum. You had assumed she would've grabbed something for herself when she went upstairs but she appears to have had a singular focus. In her hand is a bright lime green article that she thrusts in your face after racing to your side.

"Kylie's in the shower. Put it on!" she states enthusiastically.

You cautiously take the garment from her and open it up. It's a pair of spandex shorts. Based on their size, they're almost certainly her spandex shorts.

"Aren't they a bit... small?"

"They're super stretchy!" she assures you.

You tug on the material testing her claim. It is indeed very elastic, the waist doubling in width as you pull on it firmly. But it's still tiny.

Larissa gently taps your leg with her foot. "Go on!"

Standing right next to you completely naked with her slick pubescent pussy perfectly at eye level there's not a lot she could ask of you that you wouldn't do right now.

Leaning forward you dutifully shove your feet into Rissa's shorts and pull them up your legs. Your calves alone manage to fill the limited space in the leg holes, but you continue to pull them higher. As they slide up your thighs the stretch in these shorts lessens considerably. They squeeze your legs and compress your thighs until they are truly skin tight. You lay back onto the floor and lift your ass to yank the material up your backside. Your semi flips up onto your stomach as you tug on the waistband forcefully. With your butt barely covered you then manage to stretch the front edge over your balls but it won't pull up and over your vertical shaft. Besides that, having been designed for girls there is zero space made available to you in the crotch of these shorts. You let go in a huff and the material snaps back down by an inch or two, sealing itself around your coinpurse and accentuating the penis spilling over the top.

Larissa can't hold back her giggles while watching you struggle, her eyes glued to your junk.

Trying to make the most out of this, you push yourself up onto your feet and grab your cock with determination. You're getting harder by the minute so the sooner you can sort this out the better. Pushing down into the shorts with your free hand you try to makes some room before folding your dick downward and shoving it into the green spandex. Pulling your hands away quickly, the waistband snaps onto the base of your cock, barely an inch of material able to rest flush against your pelvis. The shorts squeeze you all over, but especially so against your semi-engorged cock that is pushing back against the spandex and forming a narrow cylindrical bulge that extends three or four inches away from your thighs. It's as if you shoved half a wheel of cheese down your pants. But the extremely tight shorts make it very clear what's inside them. You can make out the inside edge of your cock as it curves downward, not to mention the head of your impeccably defined glans.

"I guess it... sorta fits," you admit, looking up at Larissa. She has her hands tucked up under her chin and is biting her lip to stop her giggling. Her body gently sways from side to side with pent up excitement.