Offline/Ask Nicole if she’s still a virgin

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“Are you still a virgin?“

Nicole raises her eyebrows and looks away, instantly uncomfortable. “That's... a really personal question.“

“Sorry. It was just a question.“

There's a long tense pause as Nicole thinks and you kick yourself, but you manage to wait her out. “Yes,“ she replies.

“Yeah. Me too,“ you're quick to admit, not wanting her to feel singled out. Another long pause. There's a lot more you want to ask. You're just not sure where you can even start, but you mostly want her opinion on things. “Do you think, um...“


You take a big breath. Maybe you can bring it up less directly. “Um... is it okay to fool around in a cabin when other people are there?“

She gives you a weird look. “I don't think we're gonna do that.“

Okay, bad idea.. “No! I never... It's not you and... It's with Hannah. And Jet!“ you hurriedly add. “It's them. Together. They've been... doing stuff.“

“Stuff? Like kissing? I guess it's awkward, but it's n-“

Blowjob,“ you interrupt. “She gave him a blowjob.“

Hannah stops dead in shock. She wasn't expecting that and she's easily flustered by it. She clearly wasn't expecting to have a conversation like this with her cousin. “O-okay, but... they are girlfriend and boyfriend, so they're allowed to... um... do stuff.“

“Would you suck a boy in front of someone else?“ you blurt out.

“What? I... I don't know what I-“

The two of you are right in the middle of camp, which can't be the best place to be talking about this, and you both realize it at the same time. Nicole rushes you over to the quieter side of the campgrounds and behind a cabin before continuing.

“Okay, let's start over. Hannah gave Jet a...“ She looks around just to make sure you're really alone. “...blowjob in your cabin... but... while you were there?“


Nicole's face twists through a weird mix of horror, amusement, and incredulity. “That's not... did they know you were there?“

“It's a pretty small cabin,“ you note. “But Jet thought I was sleeping.“

“So they did that this morning?!“ she exclaims.

“No, not in the morning. The mornings have been pretty normal.“

“Okay, last night then.“

“Nope, last night Hannah was...“ You trail off. You weren't intending on mentioning what Hannah did. That one is even weirder to mention, mostly because you creamed your shorts.

“Wait, what happened last night?“

“She, um... she masturbated.“

“Really?!“ Nicole contorts her face once again. “Okay, but she thought you were sleeping? Right? She wouldn't just do that in front of you.“

“Well, kinda? But no. She knew.“

Nicole huffs and puts her hands on her hips. “You're really bad at telling stories. You need to give a lot more detail.“

It honestly surprises you that Nicole is suddenly so interested in this. She's certainly a lot nosier about sex than you expected from a nerdy bookworm. You proceed to ramble about all the things you can remember about the previous two nights, while omitting certain details, and with Nicole frequently interrupting to clarify things and help guide your story. What sounds did Jet make? How long did she do that? Did Hannah touch you on purpose? Have you been able to sleep at all?

You gossip for 20 minutes before an equally nosy aunt wants to know what you two are doing behind the cabin. That ultimately flushes you out and ends that topic of your conversation, neither of you wanting to draw further attention to yourselves. But after a bit more wandering around Nicole asks another question.

“Do you think she's pretty?“

“Huh?“ That feels like a trap, so you really don't want to answer it.

“I mean, I think she's pretty. I just didn't know if you did too. Like, if she's your type.“

“She's pretty I guess. Yeah,“ you shrug, trying not to make a big deal about it.

“Does she know you think she's pretty?“

“Nicky!“ you whine. Nicole just smiles naughtily. “You made me say that!“

“Okay, okay. But I do think she's pretty. Jet is too. Er, handsome I mean.“

“Yeah, I suppose,“ you huff, kicking a rock.

“You're handsome too you know. You look a bit like him.“

You hadn't thought about that before. Maybe that's what Hannah sees in you: a younger Jet.

“Did they meet at school?“ Nicole continues.

You shake your head. “I don't think so. I think she acts older than she is.“

Nicole turns to you and furrows her brow. “What does that mean?“

“I dunno. Just something she told me about her sister. It's probably nothing.“

Nicole chews on that for a moment. “Maybe she's short for a high schooler, but... She can't be that much younger if she's doing all that stuff. Can she? I know I haven't given... done that,“ she catches herself, glancing around again.

“Oh what was that? Did you want to talk about jerking off a guy?“ You say it much louder than you should and she freaks out. Nicole starts hitting you before you can even finish your sentence. It feels good to get back at her a little.

“I haven't done anything! I haven't even touched one,“ she growls at you through clenched teeth. “But I'll kick yours if you keep shouting.“ You can't help but chuckle and give her a playful shove back. Nicole sheepily returns your smile then ponders everything for another moment. You follow her contemplative gaze and spot Hannah sitting down near the beach with Auntie Grace. “I'm gonna talk to her.“

This seems bad. “Wait, what? You can't tell her anything I said! I never eve-“

“Calm down! I'm not stupid! I just want to talk to her! Find out more what she's like. It's not that I don't believe you...“ she pauses, which suggests she doesn't entirely believe you, which is a little insulting after all the juicy details you just provided. “I just... wanna talk. That's all.“

You still feel really nervous about the idea, but you can't exactly stop her. Nicole wanders away from you and joins the two ladies sitting together on the beach. You watch them creepily at a distance for some time, but after 10 minutes of standing conspicuously behind them Nicole insistently waves you away.

They chat through dinner and after. You leave very briefly to change out of your swim trunks but Nicole never bothers. You're still nervous over what they could be talking about, especially if they're really into it, but you have to let it go at some point. They seem to genuinely enjoy conversing with each other which in some ways makes you jealous. You're not even sure what or who you're jealous over. You just do your best to brood from a distance and then, eventually, ignore them as best you can.

When the sun goes down the drinking starts. It's a family vacation so obviously people aren't doing jagerbombs or jelly shots or any of the other things you've heard older kids mention at school, but it's equally clear that some of your aunts and uncles entirely intend on getting drunk tonight. The kids only get cola but once all the adults have some alcohol in them you find it's pretty easy to sneak some beer for yourself. You don't really know if it's good beer, but even if this stuff is 'piss water' you'd still drink it since getting away with drinking at all seems pretty cool.

Jet is so lucky that he doesn't have to sneak anything. He's old enough that the adults either overlook or accept his eagerness to drink. And although Hannah definitely shouldn't be drinking given how young you suspect she is, no one questions Jet passing his girlfriend a drink. Nicole is still hovering around Hannah and is almost gifted one of those drinks more than once, but she redirects them back to Hannah. And Jet doesn't stop passing them to Hannah. More than once you spot the spunky blonde with two cups in her hands.

But just as often as she's drinking, Hannah is dancing, specifically with Nicole in front of the fire. Jet isn't interested in bouncing around so he sits and drinks beside Uncle Dave who keeps strumming a series of peppy tunes to keep the dancers going. And they sure want to keep going. Nicole laughs, encouraged by Hannah who keeps twirling the younger girl and helping her show off her body. Hannah dances a lot dirtier than Nicole does but it seems like she's doing it just so she can watch Nicole copy her. Watching Nicole jump and twist and squat in a revealing blue one piece is something that you and Hannah can both enjoy, you just wish you didn't have to squint from the opposite side of the firepit to do it.

Roped into sitting with your family, your sister clings to you more than you'd like her to. With her shadow Asha not feeling well you do offer up a bit of pity and try to keep her talking, which isn't hard. You even sneak some beer for Emma, although she never asked. After handing her a cup without warning her and telling her to try it, she takes a sip then looks at you silently. You meet her gaze, acknowledging her suspicion with the upturned corners of your mouth. There's a chance she could rat you out, but she doesn't. Yeah, she is a pretty good sister, more or less. So, like Jet with Hannah, you help sneak her as much beer as she can drink, which frankly isn't a lot.

As the night goes on everyone gets louder and more obnoxious. Your aunties start sharing sex stories and your uncles share dirty jokes. Uncle Mike and Auntie Grace get weirdly playful - extra weird because they're step siblings - and manage to draw a lot of attention and laughter for a short while. That's all the encouragement Jet and Hannah need as they're soon making out voraciously in each other's arms while sat on a log. They're not trying to be the center of attention or anything, but it's hard to not at least notice them, especially after Nicole goes back to sitting with her mom.

Your intoxicated little sister sure notices. Emma starts rambling about the lovebirds nonstop, but she's all over the place. First she starts talking about how gross it is to kiss a boy, then laughing about where Jet's hands are, then claiming that - if she had a boyfriend - she would kiss him way better than that, and she'd hug him too. Thankfully no one is listening to your sister, but your mom does ask you to help her get to bed since it's getting late.

Emma and some of the other kids had been bunking together along with Asha, but they've all been evicted from that cabin tonight to let it air out after Asha got sick. Uncle Dave setup Emma's sleeping bag when he pitched the tent, but mom has been holding onto her stuff. So you retrieve Em's backpack and lead your slightly intoxicated little sister out to a spare tent that the kids have been moved to.

It's a short little trek into the woods but you can still see the fire from here so it's not that far. The adults probably just wanted to create some distance so that they wouldn't keep the kids up too late with their carrying on. But the kids are themselves carrying on, which isn't surprising given the lack of supervision.

“Why is it so hot?“ asks Emma, much too loudly. You shush her and peer through the darkness trying to get a better sense of what you're walking into.

There are flashlights pointing out of the flap of the tent, twirling around into the darkness of the forest, but lighting up two figures dancing amongst the trees. Two girls are frolicking out in the woods a fair distance from the tent, both of them in their underwear. However only one of them is wearing that article correctly. The younger girl has her panties around her hips, but the older one is wearing hers like a hat.

Your sister starts pointing and cackling at the sight, so to formally announce your arrival ahead of your sister's drunk chortling, you shout, “Hey crazies! You've got another one here!“

The two girls squeal and run behind the nearest trees for cover, most of which in this particular spot aren't very wide so the girls aren't especially hidden. Leaning down in front of the tent you shine your flashlight inside to see Brayden and Yulia both wielding theirs. Tossing Emma's bag past them, you ask, “Who's that in the forest?“

“Our sisters,“ Brayden replies with a guilty tone, worried they all just got caught.

“Nooo...“ shushes Yulia. “They're forest fairies.“

“Oh yeah, they're fairies!“ he corrects cheerfully, trying to recover from his mistake.

“Really? Then where's your sisters?“

“They're... out looking for forest fairies. And so are we! That's why we have our flashlights!“


You turn to see your own sister maniacally streaking naked through the trees, clothing discarded who knows where. She flushes out the other two from their cover and they all begin to dance and squeal joyously, three different sized fairies skipping in a circle.

Stay and watch the kids

Stay out of trouble and head back to your cabin