Mother's Helping Hand/Bio/Erica Fluffs

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Erica Fluffs

Mothers Helping Hand Character Erica Fluffs.jpg

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Erica Fluffs
Bunnykin (Black Satin)
Heavenly Host (Gallel)
Elementary Pre-school



School Activities

Erica is still new to the school and hasn't quite discovered what activities she enjoys.


Bunnies, Dresses, Sweets


Erica is a precocious young Bunnykin girl, quick to flirt and without any sense of modesty. She has a preference for extremely short skirts and loves to flash her panties whenever she can. The faculty of Lamptons have tried to instill in the child a more modest and proper mentality with very little success. Modest behavior goes against the instinctive nature of Bunnykin and so some special dispensation has been allowed in her case, as long as her behavior doesn't spread to the other students.

As a Bunnykin, sexuality and flirtatious behavior is as instinctual and natural as walking and talking are to humans. Erica understands her behavior is fround upon and does her best to curb it, however sometimes the drive is to strong.

She saw Jack come on campus the morning of the first day, and the mere sight of the handsom male reenergized her instincts and she struggles with a need to please him.

Erica feels a strong kinship with Edith Codebreaker and made friends with her on the first day of class. The two girls are inseparable.

Sexual Knowledge

Erica has a strong instinctual knowledge about sex, almost a racial memory and would only require minimal exposure to a sexual act in order to fully understand it. She has also taught a little about self pleasure to her friend Edith. Though she also taught Edith to be discreet in her explorations.

WIP Suggestions accepted.

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