Mother's Helping Hand/Bio/Jessy Martin

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Jessy Martin

Mothers Helping Hand Character Martin Twins.jpg

Jessy Martin
The One
High School eleventh grade



School Activities

Jenny is a member of the schools Jr. Varsity Cheerleading squad, as well as one if the student council representatives for the eleventh grade class.


cheerleading, Shopping, Gossiping, Hanging with Friends. Horseback Riding


Jessy is a very studius and caring person, who seeks to help those less fortunate than her. She gives off an image of a typical airheaded cheerleader, but in actually she is very bright and observant. She and her sister quickly realized that people tended to let their guard down around them if they thought the where stereotypical air heads.

She and Jenny secretly assist the schools Disciplinary Committee, acting as observers and school watchdogs. Both of them feel partially responsible for Sarah Harper's accident and subsequent injury. They knew the Deverux twins were up to something, but had no concrete evidence or idea exactly what. They are convinced that Sarah's accident was the result of the Deverux scheming, but can't prove anything. If either one were to learn the true extent of the damage the prank caused, they both would risk expulsion to ensure the Deverux Twins received justice in one way or another.

Jenny and Jessy both deeply regret their treatment of Jack over the years, at first they were just going along with their older sisters, but eventually it just became habit to treat him poorly. They both would gladly stop tormenting his, if they were given the slightest reason to do so, however they have been doing it for so long that it has become second nature to them.

Sexual Knowledge

Both Jenny and Jessy have rudimentary knowledge about sex, they have received both basic and advanced sex ed. They believe they're bisexual, and have practiced sexually with each other. Both are still virgins though they do not have intact hymen's from horseback riding.

They both have strong incestual attraction to all of their family members both male and female regardless of age or marital status. Though the do not like their aunt Lora and her femdom personality, the do acknowledge she is very beautiful and would love to break her dominant personality.

WIP Suggestions accepted.

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