Hot Summer Job/Get dressed and scour the neighborhood for jobs

From All The Fallen Stories
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You find yourself back in your room after eating a small breakfast. Taking a quick glance around you are proud to take in the site of your spotless room, nothing on the floor, everything where it belongs, and even vacuumed not long ago. Perfection. You wouldn't consider yourself to be a neat freak or hypochondriac, but something about keeping your room clean puts you at ease.

The bedroom isn't anything special. A single bed, computer/desk combo, dresser, TV, but you do have a very small walk in maybe it's a bit special. You quickly get dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a white shirt. No need to wear a suit or collar shirt when asking your neighbors about any small time work to do.

Just as you were finishing up with getting dressed and making sure you looked presentable, it hit you... it's a Thursday... won't everyone be at work?


"Although...I suppose not everyone has a job, or one that they have to leave home to do. I wouldn't know who has what job... but someone has to be home."

You're sure you can find at least one of the neighbors and get some info on whether they or someone nearby has work to be done.

When you leave your room you pause and stare into your sister's open bedroom thinking back to your snooping. Perhaps your innocent little sister isn't as innocent as you once thought, even if she's playful and carefree most of the time. With thoughts and images still lingering as you leave the house you shake your head to refocus, determined to find some work for the summer.