Generations/Head for the forest

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You need to ensure your survival first. Nature does not reward the stupid decisions and you need a shelter to come back to anyway. You tromp towards woods, determined to find shelter among the shaded undergrowth.

Twigs snap and pine needles crinkle as you lumber through the underbrush. Every once and awhile you see a few small animals, but they are either out of reach or too fast for you to catch. You do, however, find a cave that could provide shelter and your low light vision tells you it is empty. But while that looks promising, you hear a splashing of stream a small ways past it.

What do you do?

Chosen - Generation: One
Time Passed: 0y 0m 0d
Abilities Equipment Mate(s) Children
Name Gru’Thrak Divine Spark, Low-Light Vision None None None
Age 14y 40m 18d
Gender Male
Race Orc
Social Class Outcast
Body Superb (7)
Mind Weak (3)
Spirit Pitiful (1)