Generations/Leap down and use your hands

From All The Fallen Stories
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You are an orc! You are a warrior! What’s a bear to you? A challenge! You jump off the ledge and land square on the beast’s back, wrapping your arms around its neck and squeeze.

It roars in anger and violently tries to shack you off. It’s fury rings in your ears, but you squeeze tighter. You struggle to hold on as it charges back and forth around the den, flinging you around like a doll. Still you do not let go, until it rears up and slams you between it and the wall.

Even though you are stunned on the floor, you can hear the bear coughing and taking time to recover it’s breath. You look around to see what you could do to take it down, finding a large leg bone and a fairly pointy rib. Of course, you could try to run for the exit or even continue your bravado and charge the bear.

What do you do?

Chosen - Generation: One
Time Passed: 0y 43m 0d
Abilities Equipment Mate(s) Children
Name Gru’Thrak Divine Spark, Low-Light Vision None None None
Age 14y 82m 18d
Gender Male
Race Orc
Social Class Outcast
Body Superb (7)
Mind Weak (3)
Spirit Pitiful (1)