Talk:Generations/Advanced Terms

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 23:32, 8 May 2020 by Dein0clies (talk | contribs)
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How much more powerful would a dragon be as a sorcerer compared to a human, or an elf? —-Dein0clies (talk) 15:03 8 May 2020 (EDT)

It isn't really a matter of power so much as ease of learning. A dragon is basically magic incarnate, as would be full-blooded fey, devil or angel; so they would have the easiest time learning to use their abilities. Elves have strong fey bloodlines just as nephilim have strong infernal/celestial bloodlines, so they would have a pretty easy time of it. Any bloodline a human has to allow them to become a sorcerer is likely to be weak making learning sorcery more challenging. The actual spells would be the same power-wise, however. Magic is magic. --Elerneron (talk) 23:55, 8 May 2020 (CEST)

I see. Alright, so with that in mind is it easier to gain shapeshifting from sorcery or wizardry? Also, would a dragon’s innate magic effect wizardry in anyway? —-Dein0clies (talk) 19:32 8 May 2020 (EDT)