JoS/Henriette/15th Journal - Dirty Work

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Midyear, 7th, 4E 202

I decided to ride through Morthal on my way to Dawnstar when I remembered that one part of Mehrunes' Razor might be located there. It was a rather good opportunity for me to stop by in that little cottage. I'm sure that the owner won't miss it.

After delivering it to the museum, I decided to visit the Sanctuary too. They had done a good job at taking care of the contracts given to me by the Night Mother, par for one. One of the initiates sent to take care of her target had never returned.

It's quite similar to my first real contract in the sense that it's located in some Dwemer ruin buried under the snow. I was planning on heading home from here, but since it's not actually too far from here, I suggested in going to look for her and perhaps even take out the contract myself. After all, as a Listener, I feel like I have a duty to look over the members of my family.

It's getting a little late for me to leave though. Sun is rising and I had a long ride. I'll get to that the following night. Judging from my personal experience, it's not like those bandits are going to kill her… I hope…

Midyear, 8th, 4E 202

I suspect that those guys could've actually been connected to the same group of Bandits I dealt with when I was on that contract for Muiri. There's just too many similarities with these two groups to be a mere coincidence. I never really had a chance to learn about what these guys are all about in the past, apart from that one guy who raped me. What's sure is that this large organization of bandits is one some rich scumbag's payroll, and that they're really, really interested in these ruins. It's almost as if they're looking for something specific, but what? Could be something in Blackreach for all I know. That place is huge after all and I wouldn't be surprised if one of these ruins worked as an alternative entrance. I don't care to find out though.

Well anyway, these bandits themselves are some kinds of smugglers and traffickers. They mostly deal with Skooma as apparent by the fact that they have a lot of it. None of them seemed intoxicated either, which also is a dead giveaway since the drug dealers rarely use the drugs themselves. They just use them as a leverage over their victims. I also think they might be involved in slave trade as well.

When I came here, the Initiate was still alive. She didn't recognize me at first, she probably thought I was with the Bandits, but when I said that I'm with the family, she understood. She figured out that I must be the Listener, that one girl who isn't around all that often. She was honored, but at the same time ashamed to have me come for her. I said that it's fine, I won't think less of her, I've faced a fair share of embarrassing defeats myself. She said that she's still up to complete her contract, so together we decided to delve deeper to face her target. I was more than happy to let her have the glory. I would feel bad stealing a kill from our fresh Initiate.

She did a good job. Snuck up to that bandit chief like a professional and killed him.

After that, we returned straight to the Sanctuary. Since I have relied the next set of contracts forward, I have no reason to stay here any longer. I have more business to attend to.

Midyear, 10th, 4E 202

So, I stopped by in Rorikstead yesterday. I had some unfinished business there if you know what I mean. It took me a little more than I anticipated to return there, but it's all fine now.

Sissel said that she had waited for me to come back for a long time, and of course I apologized. She said that she has had enough with her father abusing her and practically begged me to get rid of him as I promised I would. Even if I didn't end up adopting her, she would much rather live in an orphanage.

Well, say no more, my dear Sissel…

I waited until night to extract my plan. I had something in my mind… A kind of artistic vision I wanted to express. I haven't gotten around actually murdering people like this in a while, so it'll be an exciting change of pace from killing criminals.

He was working late that night, later than two of his laborers. It made him a very easy target. I could've killed him there and then, but it wasn't enough. I had to send a proper message, so I enchanted his mind instead, bent his will to my own, and I told him to come meet me behind his own farmhouse after midnight. There, I waited for him. I probably wouldn't have even had to use magic on him… This horny old dog has lost his wife, the love of his life, and nowadays only unleashes his sexual urges on his daughter. He's obviously a pedophile, so seducing him to meet me even without my Vampiric powers would've probably been easy.

I told him to hold still and I took an Imperial sword I had stolen from the local blacksmith. He must've snapped from my magic at that point, but it was already too late for him. I cut his head off clean, letting out a light giggle as it hit the ground with a heavy thud. It was hard to resist, but I didn't want to leave bite marks, I couldn't… It was so, so very hard not to bite into his flesh… I bet it would've been delicious…

Anyway, I stripped him naked, laid his back against the wall, kind of like setting him in a sitting position. I wanted to leave my murder weapon here, but I wasn't really sure how to present it… How to make this masterpiece look more aesthetic, I thought. Should I drive it through his heart, or perhaps down his throat, maybe even stick it up his ass? So many choices… I ended up walking few yards away from him, threw it at him and watched where it would land. It wasn't the cleanest hit, throwing swords isn't my specialty, but whatever.

As for his arms and his head, I had a special plan… I twisted and turned them, kind of positioning them like he was holding something. Now, what of what should he be holding? Why, his own head of course. I was so proud of my creation. It was surprisingly fun!

I would love to stay to hear the aftermath, but I'm sure Sissel will tell me all about it. So, that's why I decided to leave Rorikstead. I kind of already know where his kids will be going from here, and even in the case of me being wrong… Well, I'll find her, and I'll adopt her.

As for Britte, her bitch of a sister? Well, she can stay in that orphanage for all I care. Maybe she'll get adopted into a proper family and get someone decent to parent and raise her, a parent that can maybe teach her some respect and not to be a bully.

Next stop, Riverwood. I'm going to hear Delphine out on what she really needs help with. I still don't like her, but maybe we can at least get on better terms.

Midyear, 11th, 4E 202

When I got into the inn, Delphine said that she was glad I was back, and that we may have started on the wrong foot. I reminded her that I have nothing to prove to her, and that she summoned me because she needs my help, not the other way around.

She then said it. "Yes", the simple answer I was looking for. She finally agrees with me.

She said that the reason she's contacting me now is that more and more dragons seem to be coming back every day, day by day, and that something or somebody is bringing them back to life. It's not just one or two sighting in a week anymore. Dragons are being sighted daily in all parts of Skyrim. Some have probably been even flying outside the borders and into neighboring provinces! She also said that she knows where the next one will be and that we should head there to figure out what this something is. I asked, why not do it alone? She said that she doesn't exactly have the tools to take out a dragon. If I truly am a Dragonborn, it should be in my interest to see what I'm up against. After all, I'm the one who can devour their souls…

So, we'll be heading towards Kynesgrove, a small village just south of Windhelm. I asked her if it's fine for us to travel separately, that I would probably want to ask for my companions to come along. If we're fighting a dragon, extra hands won't hurt. After thinking about it for a while, she reluctantly said fine. I think she knows who I'm talking about, and she knows that girl can be trusted even though she's a little crazy in the head.

So, that's the plan. I'll update you later, my dearest diary.