Incest Seduction/Ask Zack to stay the night

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< Incest Seduction
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"Can you stay the night?" you ask softly, fearing a no. "It gets so quiet here after dinner. It'd be nice to, y'know... cuddle some more."

"Actually I'm going to a party tonight."

You're disappointed, but only for a fraction of a second. "Really? Can I come?" You're not sure if you're actually interested or feigning interest for your brother's sake. But the idea of spending any time with your brother outside of the house is at least as enticing as spending it with him inside it.

"You can't come to a college party," scolds your brother with a dismissive tone. When he sees the hurt in your eyes he quickly changes his tune. "I mean... I can't bring my sister," he says with your hand still on his cock. "It's just, y'know... people will ask questions."

"Figures," you mutter to yourself. Then your brother starts thinking.

"But maybe..."


"So my friend's throwing this party tonight. He was trying to hire a girl to waitress it but he said he couldn't find any that wou-"

"I'll do it!" You reply excitedly, assuming that's where he was going with this. You've been thinking about looking for a job this summer so you can buy your own makeup, clothes, maybe a hoverboard, and not be forever beholden to your parents being merciful with their money. So your brother helping you find your first ever job is truly exciting. "Can I? I can, right? Is it hard?"

"Woah! It's not hard, but... he wanted someone who would dress up as a maid."

"Aww, shoot. I don't have a maid costume! Maybe Dawn has a dress I cou-"

"No, no, he has the costume. That's why he hasn't been able to hire anyone," he shares, grinning to himself. He rubs your bare side as he continues. "But... with you being all nudie now, I think maybe you'd be okay with..." Zack pauses then shakes his head. "Naw, nevermind."

No? He can't tease you with going to a real college party then take that away from you. You're quick to counter him. "Yes! I'll do it! Please! I never get to go to parties and I really want money!"

"You sure? You haven't even seen the cos-"

"Yes! Seriously, I said yes!" you reply sassily. "When is it?"


"Well duh! But when should we get there? How much does it pay? I've never had a job before. Not a real job. I worked that concession at the carnival once but that was for charity and-."

"Hold on! I need to check with my buddy first. I'm not the one hiring you! And he... well, let me talk to him."

You're on pins and needles as your brother finds his phone and calls his friend. This isn't a sure thing yet. Maybe he found someone after all. Maybe you're still too young to waitress. What a cruel world. They share some idle conversation, but once your brother brings up that he found 'a girl' the call is pretty brief. He asks your size and how late you can work. You know the second part is tricky. You're still not supposed to be out after 9 PM but that obviously won't be late enough. Are you going to sneak out past curfew to go to a college party?

Zack tosses his phone down. "Alright then, it's done. You're a sexy waitress now. How's it feel?"

"Amazing! Thank you! Thank you!" You give him a big hug, gleefully pressing your self against your brother's semi. But agreeing to go was the easy part. "You're gonna give me a ride, right?"

"Yeah. I kinda assumed you'd need one."

"Okay, but we can't tell mom and dad."

"No shit," he nods.

The two of you talk details while the family is still elsewhere. Zack begrudgingly agrees to come for dinner to make everything easier but says he still has to leave to bring his laundry to his dorm and do some errands. Against your better judgement, you agree to let him put clothes on so he can leave the house. The two of you agree that after dinner you'll say you're going to bed early then sneak out before Zack leaves. That way his car is still right in front of the house when you leave and no one should question that you're not in your room.

The rest of the day takes forever because you're just waiting for it to be over. Once Zack leaves with his freshly tossed load your built up sexual energy is allowed to dissipate a little, although you do daydream for a while about Zack going about his day while frustrated by a tenacious erection. Mom and dad mostly leave you alone for the rest of the morning, with only minimal antagonization at lunch, so winning mom's bet isn't too hard in the end. She doesn't seem all that mad about losing either. If anything she's proud you made it. You hate losing, so you're relieved that she doesn't get to hold that over you. She does tease that you may as well keep going given you've made it half the day naked, but you don't take her up on that. Admittedly it's almost sad to get dressed again after so many crazy, weird, fun, insane things came from your nudity. But it is equally as refreshing to go upstairs and shower and feel like an actual person for a while and not some starving sex slave.

The afternoon ends up feeling awkward, the day dragging on. You're finding it hard to look daddy in the eye without blushing and mom is fawning over you more than usual. Dawn is her usual snarky self after she gets home from whatever she was out doing and thankfully doesn't bring up any of the things she witnessed this morning, although she does give you some funny looks every now and then. But everyone's mood seems to perk up once Zack comes back.

Mom is particularly delighted to host Zack for dinner. She asks if he's staying the night and notes that his bed has fresh sheets. He announces he has plans later but will "hang out for a bit". After a meal where you're too anxious to eat, you all sit down for a movie night, some classic wholesome family entertainment. Right before the movie you change into your favorite sleep top and some sweatpants, already putting your plan into action.

The movie you pick is a campy romantic comedy, three girls outvoting the two boys. You make sure to park yourself beside your brother, strictly because he took the most comfortable side of the couch and you're going to wait for him to get up for the bathroom to steal it back. But in reality you drift closer to him after the movie starts, the two of you stretching your arms around each other to get comfy and snuggle up close. It feels so good to press yourself against your brother, so safe, that you're asleep within minutes.

Your nap is even more helpful than your shower at making you feel refreshed. Granted, you wake up in a slobbery daze, but you feel a lot better. It's also even more convincing for your "early bed" cover story as the movie nears its conclusion. But...

You're having second thoughts about going to a party. You won't know anyone there. You have no idea how late you'll have to stay up waitressing. And you'll be working, not partying. What if mom and dad discover you've snuck out? Why can't Zack just stay here and spend more time with you? Why does he want to go out drinking with dumb college girls? You can be just as dumb as they are.

Hugging him tighter, you think maybe there's a chance you can still convince him to stay. That doesn't seem likely. In fact he'd probably be disappointed or even mad that you agreed to waitress for his friend and then bailed last minute. You'd be annoyed too if Zack bailed on you without warning. You're just nervous is all. You're trying to talk yourself out of going as much as into going, but you know what you should do.