The Babysitter and the Sisterly Trio/ChapterX/Riley Tera Bedroom

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I knock on Tera's door. "It's Rei!" I shout. "Can I come in?"

"Of course!" Tera shouts back. I let myself into her room. She's got nearly a dozen different bathing suits laid out neatly on her bed. Oh god, what have I got myself into...

"Which one should I try on first?" she asks me with a big smile.

"Uh, whichever you want I guess?" I reply.

"I want you to pick, silly!" she pouts.

"Well then, umm... that one." I say, point to a bright pink and very frilly one-piece suit on the bed.

"Okay!~" Tera immediately starts to remove her clothes, starting by wriggling out of her t-shirt.

Once her shirt is off, she unbuttons her skirt and lets it drop to the floor, stepping out of it. Now clad in just her undies, Tera puts her back to me. Glancing over her shoulder, she smirks at me before very slowly and deliberatly sliding her panties down, giving me a full view of her cute little bottom.

I shake my head. "You have no shame, Tera, heh." She only giggles and goes over to the bed to grab the suit. Slipping it on, she comes back over and stands in front of me.

"What do you think?" Tera asks me. She puts her hands on her hips and strikes a very seductive pose, puffing her chest out adorably.

"It's adorable! Does that mean you're ready to go?" I ask hopefully, but knowing what she's going to say...

"Of course not, silly! I have to try them all on first!~"

I sigh and sit down on the floor with my back to the wall. "Alright then! Let the fashion show commence!"

Tera claps her hands and whoops, racing over to the bed to grab another suit.

"Okay, Rei! You close your eyes, and I'll tell you when I'm ready for you to open them!~"

Shaking my head, I do as she asks and close my eyes. Less than a minute later, Tera cries out "Okaaaay! You can look now!~"

Opening my eyes, I see Tera's next suit is a sky blue two-piece with little fish decals patterned all over it.

"What do you think of this one!?" she asks me.

"It's really cute, too! Is that the one you want to wear to the pool, then..?"

"Are you kidding? I still have a lot more suits to try on! Now close your eyes again!~"

Sighing, I once more close my eyes. Tera tries on all her swimsuits one at a time. Glancing at my watch, I see that it's already been half an hour and she's still not ready to go.

Finally, Tera shows me her last suit. "Which one did you like the most?" she asks me while simultaneously stripping off the final suit.

"They're all super cute, I couldn't possibly pick one. Why don't you decide?"

"Hmm..." Tera looks at the pile of swimsuits, buck naked. She ponders for several minutes, picking up this suit and that, each time setting them back down and picking up another. When she starts picking up the same suits multiple times, I sigh and realize I'm going to have to do something to expedite the choosing process...

[How did I get her to pick a swimsuit?]
* Distract her with a kiss!
* Tickle attack!