Incest Seduction/Ask for more money

From All The Fallen Stories
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You may as well try to milk this for all it's worth. There's nothing to lose really. If they say no then you just wipe off the spunk and keep on waitressing. But if they agree to pay you more then you're set. Winning your bet with Zack is the only thing that matters to you really so if you can get enough money to guarantee that happens you don't care how you make it work.

Blinking and squinting at the weirdo who has come to the inner edge of the circle around you, you stare him down as you contemplate his offer. "Make it $400."

"Seriously? Yeah! Sure! Whatever! Once the party's over you can suck my wallet dry!"

Wow. He agreed to that really easily. And it's perfect! By the end of the party you're guaranteed to have enough money to win the bet with Zack!

After wiping your fingers on the carpet you hobble up to your feet, having spent quite a while on your knees, and straighten your pigtails as best you can without a mirror, since all the boys want to pull on them. Then you grab your serving tray and walk over to the big spender hoping to double dip. You stand as tall as your short stature allows and, with a big smile, cum still trickling down your features, you ask in your best waitressing voice, "Can I get you anything?"

"Yeah, can I drink champagne out of your asshole? I hear that's pretty classy." The guys around him start laughing.

You've gotten better at dealing with drunken taunts and insults and quickly reply, "No, sorry. That's not on the menu. Not for you anyway."

His boys holler and you turn and walk away to keep him from dolling out any kind of comeback, or at least being subjected to it. You'd rather be the one to get the last word in, although with how much money you're going to make from him now you're definitely going to get the last laugh.

You've had to deal with lots of stares and catcalls so far at the party but that intensifies now that you're strolling around with your face coated in cum from two different guys. There's lots of gossiping and chatter, people pointing and doing all sorts of double takes and gob-mouthed stares as you walk by or try to take someone's order. Some partiers are negative, others are positive, but all of them levy more and more attention at you. One perk of that attention is that you're generally given more room to walk since a lot of people are weirded out by what you're doing. There's no question that you're experiencing unparalleled levels of shame and humiliation walking around like this, but you can get yourself to push through since you're doing it all for Zack. Well... doing this so you can do Zack.

When you notice him come up from the basement you're quick to walk up to your brother and offer a huge toothy smile.

"Can I get you anything Zachery?"

"Kim! What the fuck!" he shouts in a hushed tone. He grabs your arm for a second, about to drag you away some place, then reconsiders when he notices how many people are watching. "What the fuck is on your face? Is that... Did I... ?"

"This? No, don't worry. It wasn't you."

Zack calms for a moment before realizing what that means. "Wait, someone else ji-"

"I said don't worry about it!" you insist, smiling proudly. "I'm just winning our bet is all!"

He shakes his head incredulously. He starts to mutter and mumble, truly speechless, but you walk away again to make sure you get the last word in.

You must spend the next hour or two roaming the party glazed in cum. You catch plenty of people talking about you behind your back, but twice as many cheering you on or asking for a picture. There are a few nicknames floating around like "Cummy Kim" or just "Cum Girl" (low effort, but accurate). The hardest part is that despite the attention you're getting there are few tips coming your way despite there being more orders than ever. Even Cam stops you at one point to tell you how wild and weird you are but it's hard to follow what he's saying since he's pretty stoned. At least that's what someone tells you when they pull Cam away after several minutes of disjointed rambling.

The grossest part about wearing cum for so long is that it looks less and less like cum the longer you wear it. Most of your face gets slick and shiny as the spunk slowly spreads out. There are still thick goopy parts but some of the edges start to dry and go flakey. Little globs have trickled around and under your chin and down your neck. It was never a "good" look from the get go, and it's not getting better, but at least you've gotten used to it. You just have to keep reminding yourself not to touch your face.

There had been a group of four girls that looked amazed when they watched you make this deal. They were poking each other and getting really riled up and you were even worried they might stop you when you first got up off the floor but they ended up watching along with everyone else. Since then you've crossed paths with them a bunch of times and each time they have smiled at you or tried to be encouraging. But after two hours it seems they can't take it any longer as they stop you on one of your passes through the living room.

"Kim! It's Kim, right? Lana! Hey, look, we all felt real bad about that asshole who made you do this."

"No, I'm alright! It's okay! They're paying me! It's, like, the easiest money ever!"

"Oh! Honey! Greg and those guys left forever ago!"

Your smile fades. It slowly dawns on you as you stare at these girls just how stupid you are. You got duped. You've been parading around for hours with a goopy glaze on your face. Has it all been for nothing? Why didn't you ask for the money first? Instantly you can feel tears forming in your eyes.

"But they... I..."

One of the girls in the back waves her hands to get you to stop. "Girl, don't even worry about it! We've been hustling for you ever since we saw them leave!" On cue the girl in front, Lana, hands over a huge wad of bills.

Another girl chimes in. "Yeah, it sounded like you really needed money so we went around and guilted some people into giving you some."

"That's nearly $600 right there!"

"Yeah, we wanted to prove you're worth even more than you think!"

You wipe away some tear-streaked cum from your cheek. "You all did this for me?"

"Hell yeah girl! You freaky as hell!" says the black girl, gesturing at you. "You're the bravest bitch up in this place!"

"You think so?"

A girl in a cute collared dress nods emphatically. "Totes! Geez, just look at what you're wearing! Your outfit is crazy!"

"Yeah, you're totally amazing Kim! We're all impressed you had the guts to go through with this. But those guys were assholes and you don't have to keep that stuff on your face anymore. Come on! Let's get you cleaned up!"

The group of girls introduce themselves in a flurry and take you under their wing like a flock of mama hens all wanting to take care of you. The four of them are sisters in a sorority and apparently think the world of you for your strong spirit (stupidity is probably more accurate). But they don't think of you as just some floozy like some others at the party seem to. If anything it seems like they really care about you.

They try to bring you to the main floor bathroom but can't get in, so you detour to the kitchen where they can help wash the thinned runny cum off your face. Rinsing your skin is heavenly. Even though there's some semen in your hair that is hard to get out, you feel a thousand times better once your eyelashes aren't goopy and your chin is no longer dripping. But you feel a million times better when you spot your brother walking into the kitchen a minute later.

"Zack!" You shout, ushering the girls away from the counter and pushing past some bystanders. "Look! Look at all this money!"

Your brother's eyes bulge witnessing the hefty stack of cash you're waving around. "Holy shit! That's from... Those guys actually paid up?"

"Even better! These girls helped me! They hustled and got me all this money!"

"We're totally her bitches now," jokes Emily, the cute one, although you're half a foot shorter than she is.

"Yeah! They're my bitches!" You say chuckling, the girls all giggling with you. "They got me my money! Looks like I won after all!"

Zack scratches his head. He's clearly not sure how to feel about that. "I guess so, huh? Yeah, um... great." He should be happy you're offering yourself up to him again but now you might actually have to pass as a college student if you're going to do him in his dorm.

Well if you're going to pass as a college student you had better try to party like one! You've been waitressing at this party for hours now and you still haven't had a drink let alone taken a break. One or two drinks is the least you could do at your first ever college party! And you have plenty of money to buy yourself some good ones. Or maybe you could ask these college girls for some spring fashion advice and have them make you over for your upcoming 'date' on campus.