A Loli's ENF Adventure/Emma/Martian/Blog

From All The Fallen Stories
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One of the things about Emma is that when an idea gets in her head, it refuses to leave. Such as now, where as much as the thought of sharing her journey into exhibitionism with thousands of strangers scares her, it also intrigues her even more so.

Hopping over to her computer Emma began step one: finding the right website to start on. She didn't want to be competently public out of fear of being found out, so that ruled out most well-known blog sites. Thinking for a moment the girl suddenly remembered a list her mom gave her, a list she said little girls like herself had no right being on and forbade her from searching them.

After a few minutes of web surfing Emma found just the website she needed and, after several red-cheeked minutes of browsing to confirm she'd fit in, began making her public profile. Thankfully her mother versed her in online anonymity when it came to usernames and such, so she made sure not to simply copy and paste from her other accounts on normal websites.

Username: PrincessofMars♥

Summery: Hello! I'm an 11 year old girl and soon to be the first exhibitionist on Mars! I hope you stick around and enjoy my posts! <3

Keywords: #exhibitionist

Looking at her very brief profile Emma gave a content nod. It may not be much, but once she's more familiar with the site she can update it. She did make sure to click on the big yellow Donate button though; she didn't know what it meant, but her mom always said donating is a good thing to do.

First step down, now for the second: her first post. At this Emma began to fidget, tapping her fingers together. Even in her own locked room, taking a nude picture to put online would be her first real step into exhibitionism. Still though, Emma had already gone this far, and her curiosity kept her going.

Standing up she reached onto a shelf and picked up a small little device that looked like two rings on either side of a box. Grabbing a remote she pressed a button and the drone came to life, a lens emerging from the box and the inside of the rings faintly glowing green as it rose into the air. Small camera drones with anti-grav propulsion were a very common children's toy, and Emma was no exception, having been gifted it by her family on Earth a few years ago.

A holo-screen popped up above the remote allowing Emma to set the simple A.I. to follow her and take pictures when given a command. Setting the remote down she stepped back and grabbed the nightgown she'd been wearing this whole time, wasting no time pulling it off and tossing it aside. The girl shivered at the sudden rush of cold air, which coupled with the lens pointed her way made it impossible to ignore how exposed she felt.

Emma gave the drone a nod, and a second later another holo-screen appeared below the drone, her naked form appearing before her on the small screen. Her heart beat a little faster, knowing just how close she was to showing her prepubescent body to strangers millions of miles away. She did know what pose she wanted to take, however, having seen it in several pictures. With one arm held it across her chest hiding her nipples from view, while she moved the other down so her hand cupped her pussy, and lastly crossed one leg over the other. She thought it was very cute when she saw it and hopped it did the same for her.

She was just about to nod again to take the picture when she saw her face and paused. From what she gathered many online exhibitionists had no problem showing their faces, but many bloggers tend to keep their faces hidden unless a milestone's reached or something like that. As for herself, Emma wasn't sure how she felt.

Will she show her face or not?