Sextravaganza/Character Creation

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Here, we will be discussing the basics of character creation in this story. Let’s start, and explain what all these choices mean: Credits: Credits (c) are basically your currency for building your character. The vast majority of choices will cost credits and will have different impacts over the course of the game. You may also alter your character’s stat block later on, but that I’ll generally be more expensive than in the creator. Don’t worry, a few choices and outcomes will give you credits. But think about what you want to do: do you spend all of them now are horde them for some goodies later? Also keep in mind some choices will be more expensive (such as having a big dick as a child). It’s a careful balancing act.

Traits and Ranges: Traits are essentially your character’s capabilities and will effect the skills they possess and will be able to learn. These can be altered, but generally will cost credits to do so. Alternatively, they can be improved by something else that alters you, magically or otherwise, but this will generally cost credits AND the lowering of some other trait so keep that in mind. As for the ranges, they are as follows:

  • Pathetic: 1-5
  • Pitiful: 6-10
  • Weak: 11-15
  • Below Average: 16-20
  • Average: 21-25
  • Above Average: 26-30
  • Excellent: 31-35
  • Superb: 36-40 This is the natural human maximum
  • Exceptional: 41-45
  • Insane: 46-50
  • Unbelievable: 51-55
  • Divine: 56-60

Here’s a rundown of the Traits themselves:
Strength: Strength is your character’s ability to deal physical damage, as well as their carrying capacity, and the capacity they can push or pull. As a side note, generally if it is higher, a character has to train and eat protein rich foods to maintain it, though some settings have work arounds.
Dexterity: Dexterity is how flexible and fast your character is, as well as how could they are with their hands and their balance. As an aside, generally strength and dexterity are at odds with each other, meaning one is generally higher than the other, though not necessarily by a massive margin.
Constitution: Constitution is your character’s general health and hardiness. The latter not being fat, but their ability to endure. This includes against diseases, starvation, and other extreme conditions.

Descriptive Traits:
These traits are more specific to your character, and determine their overall appearance, as well as other stats that may come into play during the story, such as your character’s fertility. With that said, here are the descriptive traits:
Name: Self explanatory
Credits: The amount of credits you have at the time.
Age: Self explanatory.
Gender: This is somewhat tricky; you would include your characters biological sex AND the gender they identify as, or have transitioned to. (Note: the latter mostly applies to modern settings, and try not to get too political. This is a fun story about mindless sex, not a depressing political commentary. Besides I don’t want a flame war)
Race: This is somewhat dependent on the setting: in the Modern setting, this is your human race (Caucasian, Latino, etc.), but in settings with multiple intelligent species, it’s which species you belong to (Human, elf, Alien, etc).
Social Class: This determines your character’s place within society. This is also where you would put more specific political affiliations, such as your character’s tribe and your place within that tribe.
Height: Self explanatory.
Weight: Self explanatory.
Bust: The size of your character’s breasts should they happen to have them (note, some nonhuman species may not have breasts, such as lizard men). The size influences your character’s sex appeal status and their rate of lactation, however larger sizes may reduce their Dexterity.
Penis: This stat is related to the length of the penis shaft, should your character possess one. This mainly influences sex appeal, but may also influence their dexterity, though not as severely as the next Trait.