SW:CES:NC: Twi’lek Male Teenager

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 15:37, 3 December 2020 by Dein0clies (talk | contribs)
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Still in your prime eh? You’re gonna get all the girls. Now, since this is the Erotic Saga, how about that dick?

For the purposes of this story, Twi’lek parts are similar to humans, in that males have a penis and females have breasts, which produce milk for babies, and a vagina. However, Twi’lek testicles tend to be small most of the time, for convenience of maneuvering, and swell in size when aroused. The size of the swelling of course varies with individuals but as they swell, sperm production is kicked into over drive, so they tend to have high amounts semen per orgasm.

(If there is any actual knowledge out there on Twi’lek reproduction, please let me know. I couldn’t seem to find anything)