School Days/she gives you a blowjob

From All The Fallen Stories
< School Days
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She suddenly turns her attention to your penis. She brings her head down to its level and puts her mouth on it taking your virginity away from you. Oh my God!!! You gasp. Shhhhhh, Sammy responds as she tries to cover your mouth. Caden we have to be quiet. Sorry it feels so weird, you say. I know Caden, you are not use to it. But you will get use to it. She puts your standing straight up cock in her mouth and begins to suck on it. Haaaaaampphhh, you moan. Shhhhhh, your doing good Caden. You are really feeling weird but you start to enjoy this. As she sucks you off she picks you up off the sink lifting you into the air and putting your penis back into her mouth she sticks a finger into your ass. You start to squirm a lot but she manages to calm you down. You wrap your arms tightly around her neck and you start to drift off a bit. Then Sammy asks you, Caden have you ever tasted a vagina. You haven’t in your entire life. Well, time for you to find out. She takes off her tight jeans and panties and then sits on the sink perfect for your exact level and spreads her legs out revealing her pussy. You gaze at it curiously. Come on Caden I will reward you if you can bravely handle this. Ok, you respond. You put your tongue into her wet pussy and start moving it around. You can hear Sammy moan as you touch the roof of it. Yeah, good boy. She stops you. Ok Caden, this next thing may be a little more harder at first but you are going to put your thing into mine. Do you think you can handle it.

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