Vacation/You wake up to the speakers

From All The Fallen Stories
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About an hour later you wake up with the speakers blaring again. Ladies and gentlemen this is your co captain speaking. We are about to hit a thunderstorm and high turbulence. He sounded a little worried which kinda makes you worried. So please return to your seats. All of you wake up at this. As you fly through the storm your heart is pounding heavily through your boney chest. Shelly sees how panicked you look. “Hey”, she says, we will be ok. A few minutes go by with continuous lightning strikes to extremely loud thunder. The plane was going crazy, when all the sudden a loud explosion violently shakes the plane. “The engine is on fire!”, exclaimed the captain. We will have to land in the sea. Everyone in the plane is freaking out, the crew encourages everyone to grab a life jacket. As Miley helps you into one Shelly gets hers on easily. You hold on to them thinking that you won’t get out of this alive. You close your eyes and then...Crash!!!! The plane lands into the sea. You are in the water and you feel yourself float up. You make it to the surface of the water and hear Shelly and Miley calling for you, you see them on a floating wing and you swim to them with the help of your life jacket. As you climb onto the wing, you look around. “Oh no!”, you exclaim. We are lost. Miley comes to your level. Don’t worry Charlie, hopefully these currents will take us to land some where. You guys drift on for an hour until Shelly sees hope. Mom, Charlie I see an Island. You help Miley row towards the island using your arms. You make it to the island cold but ok. You are now on an island.

Look for food

Find a shelter

Build a fire