Field Trip/Angela and Christi wake everyone up

From All The Fallen Stories
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You wake up with your tour guide and teacher telling everyone that the museum has issued an evacuation. You get all of your belongings wondering to yourself what is going on? You ask Carrie if she knows anything. Carrie do you know what’s going on? Well something weird has been going on in the new exhibit. You say, that new exhibit is really concerning me. You guys start to head out to the bus only to find out that it is gone. Great, you say. What do we do now? Suddenly more noise is coming from the exhibit you all run down to the exhibit to see what is going on. The area is glowing. Oh my gosh!! You exclaim. What is going on here?! Suddenly a figure appears in front of you all startling you all. It was Minn, the god of fertility and harvest. You humans really don’t know how to control yourselves. Your teacher asks, what are you talking about? He lifts his hand to reveal your cum on the exhibit. Oh, that’s what, you reply. Yes this must be fixed but it isn’t easy. How do we fix it? you ask. You must go to Egypt to perform a show for the gods and goddesses, and Owen is it? Yes, you reply. You are the one to be chosen for the performance you may select only two people to go with you. Who do you want?

Christi and Angela

Angela and Carrie

Carrie and Christi