Bored Little Girl/Move to another, more private area

From All The Fallen Stories
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The high school boy doesn't move from his spot on the bench. You decide to go to a more private area of the park and see if he follows you. You swing down from the bars and start to sashay towards a bunch of tall bushes and trees. You pull your undersized sundress up above your waist so the high schooler is sure to get an eyeful. Before you vanish into the bushes, you turn around and make a motion him to follow you.

Safely hidden from sight, your cheeks flush as you giggle to yourself. The high schooler was definitely playing with himself back there. Would he have the guts to follow you? You hoped he would. You straighten your dress back down. You have to make the cute guy do some of the work, you think to yourself. Not too long after, he cautiously peeks around the bushes. You smile at him shyly and swing your shoulders from side to side. The high schooler walks up to you and looks around to see if anyone was nearby. Up close, you notice immediately that he's almost two feet taller than you.

Sufficiently satisfied that there was no one around, he reaches out towards you and asks, "Yeah?"

You resist the urge to giggle and instead grin at him and shake your head while thrusting your chest and hips forward at him. He hesitates for a moment and then puts his hand in the middle of your chest. He gently pushes you against a tree and moves his hand to either side of your chest, brushing over your hard nipples through your sundress. He rubs each one for a while. Both of you enjoy the sensations of the fabric on your skins. You take his hand with both of your hands and guide him down towards your wetness, forcing him down on one knee. You let go as he touches you through your panties, an electric shock running through your body. This is so exciting, you think to yourself. You pull your thin cotton panties to the side and you hear his breath catch in his throat. He groans and lightly rubs his fingers over your moist lips.

You put both your hands on the back of his head and as you are about to draw him closer, you hear an authoritative voice from behind you to one side, "Hey! What are you doing there?"

Your blood freezes in your veins. You were doing this for fun, but you did never wanted to get in trouble. How did this person find out where you were? Thoughts raced through your head as you tried to think up a response. The high school guy likewise was frozen to the spot as he hadn't moved with your hands over his head. You hear steps on the grass louder and closer. A man walks into the clearing.

Is he: