Family Ties/I dare you to massage your mommy's boobs through her jumpsuit.

From All The Fallen Stories
< Family Ties
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You are grateful when Tyler agrees to a dare for his next round but there are so many naughty things you want to do it's hard to decide which to choose. You take a minute thinking over your options as you watch Cindy's breast heave up and down as she breaths. Her nipples are so hard and eventually you notice that you’re not the only one staring at them. "Tyler, I dare you to massage you mother's breasts."

Tyler is up on his feet in flash as Cindy leans up out of the comfy bean bag chair she has been lounging on, straightening her back and thrusting her tits outward. "Mmm, they need a good massaging.” Cindy coos just as Tyler grabs a hand full of each of her breasts and starts squeezing them. Cindy tosses her head back as she enjoys Tyler's methodical hands on her breasts while her son focuses on the hardening nubs trying to poke through her jumpsuit. After a couple of moments of that kind of attention Cindy is really starting moan loudly which only encourages Tyler to get a little rough with her big boobs.

Without warning Cindy stops him, grabbing his hands in her and brings them to her lips to kiss them. "Holy hell baby..., you aint changed since the day you were born..., still a boob man." She chuckles before kissing his hands again and letting him go so he can return to his seat and decide where to take the game from here.





