Family Ties/Have you ever left the door open hoping Tyler would watch you change.

From All The Fallen Stories
< Family Ties
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"Truth or dare Cindy?"

"Umm give me a truth sweetie." She says innocently enough.

"So have you ever left your door open while changing, hoping Tyler would watch you?"

Cindy takes a moment to think over her answer as Tyler blushes a deep red. "Well not exactly left it open on purpose per say. But then again if I am changing and my door happens to be open I don't worry about if Tyler might stop by to enjoy me stripping. So I guess the best answer It wouldn't bother me to strip naked and change into my nightie right in front of Tyler." Then Cindy's eyes widen, "Well, Eric may have a problem with our little man watching mommy get naked but I wouldn't care." She concludes, looking over at Tyler and giving him a wink.

Tyler gets kind of a naughty look in his eyes. "Well If daddy works late tonight maybe I will just have to watch you change for bed tonight."

Cindy returns his naughty stare. "Well daddy isn't coming home at all tonight and besides.., who says I plan on putting any clothes on tonight." Tyler's eyes glaze over at thought of his pregnant mommy prancing around completely naked for the evening. Both of you giggle at the horny boy's reaction.





