Family Ties/What's the best fuck you have ever had?

From All The Fallen Stories
< Family Ties
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"I'll take a truth Cindy."

Cindy looks over at your heaving chest and her eyes wonder down to your panty clad pussy, "What's the best fuck you've ever had?" The horny blonde asks with a naughty smile.

That answer is easy, it was the only time that you actually cheated on Steven, though you have thought about near nightly for the past ten years. Cindy is continuing to watch you just as Tyler is while you find your self lost in the young body you violated. "I guess it was about 8 years ago, shortly after the twins were born. Steven didn't want and have ting to to do with my pussy and my aching, milk swollen tits where driving fucking bonkers. I was constantly horny and having two hungry baby constantly sucking on my sensitive nipples wasn't making my life any easier.""

Cindy gives a sympathetic nod before glancing at Tyler, who was leaning so far out of his chair it looked as if he might fall out. "I know how that is..." Cindy mused, "When they want the titties they aren't thinking about what they are doing to mommy...." She smiled, "...especially the boys."

You giggle before continuing. "I just needed to get away for the afternoon so I grabbed a book, tossed on a light sundress and headed to the park for a little me time." A shudder goes through your body as you recall the first time you saw him, shirtless, a boy who to this day remains nameless. "I guess I had been there about an hour when this boy started playing by me. He was about Tyler's age and in his own cute little way he was actually trying to flirt with me."

"I put my book down and started teasing him a bit..." You give a small laugh," I must have been pretty distracting cause he got his foot caught on a root, fell and scrapped his knee. There wasn't any one around so I walked him back to my van so I could tend to his scraped knee."

Cindy let out a throaty moan, "Mmmm, you took him back to your van...."

"Well honestly I was only trying to help but he sat down in the back and I started getting his knee cleaned up I noticed he was staring right down the top of my dress. with how swollen my tits were he was getting a huge eye full. So i just asked him if he was enjoying the view." You pause as Tyler once again nearly falls out of his chair. "... And he said he'd like it a lot more if my dress wasn't in the way."

Cindy laugh out load, "Oh naughty little boy.... What did you say?"

"I figured he started it so I asked him if he had the guts to do something about that." You close your eyes as another shiver goes through your body recalling the look in his eyes when grabbed the front of your dress and ripped it open. "He seemed to think it over for all of a split second before he grabbed the front of my dressed and ripping it open, pushed my sports bra up and dove mouth first into my swollen tits. While he was getting a mouth full of milk with as hard as he was sucking I was busy setting his cock free so I could fuck him. I wasn't even thinking, all I wanted was his cock driving into me and thankfully he had a cock big enough to do the job right."

Cindy and Tyler are both hanging on your ever word, "how long did you two go at it?" Cindy asked with a lusty moan.

"We fucked in ever configuration possible for a full three hours, fuck I probably came 20 times and the whole time we screwed he was sucking my titties. Poor boy prabably didn't eat for two days after that. "You laugh.

Cindy nods her head slowly, toying with a nipple, "Well I guess it's you turn now Stacy."





