Public Adventures

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 07:03, 7 February 2021 by ABCD (talk | contribs)
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This is my first story, and I'm not sure I'll be adding too much to it once I get the hang of the website and move on to other stories. Or I may just add on to this indefinitely when I get the craving to write smut. Who knows?

This will be a story centered around you as the protagonist and your sexual exploits as you go around the town looking sate your unending lust. You'll be offered a special ability or item at the start of the adventure which may lead to different outcomes depending on how you use it. My goal is to make a truly branching adventure that changes depending on your choices. Meeting that goal is a different story but hopefully you'll enjoy what I make before I forget about this or get bored or whatever.

You are...
Patty, a Hermaphrodite