
From All The Fallen Stories
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A smile parts your lips when the aroma of blueberry pancakes fills your nose. Not wanting to waste any time, you drop whatever you were doing for now and start to get dressed. Your older sister is probably already awake and if you don't hurry she might not leave that many for you. You throw on a shirt and some shorts, socks and shoes, and dart out of the room with haste to claim a seat of your own. You older sister Emily was already at the table browsing her phone when you sat down next to her. She's 16 years old and in high school. She has blue streaks in her half shaven hair and started wearing weird punkish clothes fairly recently.

Without looking up from her phone she comments with a smug smile, "Learned your lesson, huh?"

You sneer back at her with a goofy look on your face, to which she gives you a little shove. You shove back in retaliation and a little scuffle ensues before your mom breaks it up.

"Hey! Be nice." She yells and starts adding pancakes to the center plate. Ever since Emily started high school she started being such a jerk to you. Before you can even get your fork she started hogging most of the pancakes. You whine and you mother scorns Emily to save some for you. Your older sister rolls her eyes and gives you a single pancake back. With a topping of maple syrup the pancakes are delicious and you fill yourself up with the warm goodness. Emily heads back into her room to get ready to leave for school and you...

Get your stuff and head to the bus stop.
Ask mom about your morning wood.
Follow Emily into her room.