Uncle Dave/Proceeds reading

From All The Fallen Stories
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You start reading the book, very aware of Jennifer's presence and you wonder if she realizes what she feels through her jeans. Next to her ass.

She soon stops to look at you but she never was one to remain still. You desperately try to cool off but Jennifer just can't stay still. Her body starts to softly go back and forth and her leg is pushing against your sex, very slightly. And again. And again. You keep reading. At about half the comic you notice her pushes seem to be a little less innocent. She does not know what she's doing but she realizes the reaction is a bit funny when pushing there so she starts to move her body sideways instead to push the strange hump repetively.

You clear your throat and keep reading. Eventually she looses all interest in the story. She turns to you with a grin on her face and sits directly on top of the hump. Rubbing herself on you through your jeans, her eyes locked into yours.