Smooth Operator/All/Teach/Self/Avoid/bad explanation/Try/Henrietta/Attack/reassure

From All The Fallen Stories
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"Ahh! No, no no no! I wasn't going to do anything like that!" Jordan said and carefully laid down beside Henrietta, allowing his penis to slip out from inside of her so he could stroke her head.

"Nooo!" She tried to escape, but Jordan's powerful arms were too strong for her.

"Hey! No! I'm not going to hurt you! I'm sorry! Ok? I'm sorry I scared you! I know I was supposed to not be too forceful and be gentle with girls, but I forgot, Ok? This was my first time doing this!"

"Hmmm..." Henrietta still seems very tense, and she still seems to want to get away, but she is not struggling in terror anymore. "You promise you're not going to try to eat me?" She asks.

"I promise, I was never going to do something like that." Jordan says as he keeps stroking her head and cuddling her from behind. "I'm really very sorry. It's just... when you tried to get away, something just took over and I guess I kinda attacked you like that. I know that was bad, I'm sorry."

"Mmmm!" Henrietta makes a pouting face and then lightly elbows Jordan in the ribs. This seems to somehow make Pricilla snap out of her daze and complain.

"Ahh! Hey! Henrietta! You can't hit a boy!" She says.

"Mmm!" Henrietta groans again. Jordan can see her lip quivering and tears running down her face. It looks like she really was very scared. She looks like she is trying to hold back from bursting into full-blown wailing and crying.

"Humph! Henrietta is just a scary-cat! You might make it so Jordan doesn't want to give you babies anymore like that!" Pricilla cruelly criticizes her friend.

"Ah! Noooo! I want babies!" Henrietta responds with a shock when she hears Pricilla's words, and then she turns around and faces you. "Nooo! I'm sorry for getting scared! I still want to have babies! Can... can you please give me a baby!?"

Well, this is a little bit of a difficult situation. Jordan had already shot his sperm inside of Henrietta earlier, but of course she didn't notice that and none of these girls would know that the deed had already been done even if they looked between Henrietta's legs and saw the white goo leaking from her pussy right now. In fact, even though Jordan had stuck his penis in her earlier, the girls still might not have noticed that was what makes babies since, as you'd been informed, girls this age knew absolutely nothing about sex.

Jordan decides to...