A Sister's Secret/find her secret

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The door to your little sister's room is cracked slightly. You gently push her door open and let yourself in. You are greeted by the view of Sarah on her bed, the covers in a tangled mess around the little girl. It's a warm night, so she isn't wearing much of anything; just her pullup.

You walk over to her bed and admire her exposed chest in the dim light. She looks so peaceful. It seems wrong to be standing there aroused by her half naked body, but the opportunity is too good to pass up. You reach for your cock and pull it out of your pajama bottoms, stroking it briefly. Goodness, you’ve never felt so turned on.

She may be a heavy sleeper, but you’re not ready to press your luck just yet. You decide it’s best to find something to cum into. The last thing you want to do is stain your little sister’s bed sheets or wake her up when your cumming on her body.

Looking down, you spot a pair of your sister’s cotton briefs on the floor. As you kneel down to pick them up, your hand bumps into a medium sized wooden box under her bed. You look up in alarm, worried your sister will wake up. But alas, she is indeed a heavy sleeper. You scold yourself both for being clumsy and for being paranoid. You know your sister has slept through much worse.

You realize however, that you’ve knocked the lid off of the box. As you move to replace the lid, you can’t help but see inside. Even in the dim light, only illuminated by you sister’s night light, you can make out the shape of money. It looks to be quite a bit, but you have more pressing matters to attend to.

The slip up has distracted you briefly, but once you stand and turn your attention to you little sister again, you feel the urgency of your erection take over once more. Placing your sister’s dirty panties over your cock, you begin to jerk off while admiring the girl’s soft, virgin skin.

With a naked girl before you and your cock buried in her panties, it’s only a few brief moments before you feel your orgasm begin to build. In the heat of the moment, you reach out with your free hand and stroke the girl’s chest. She remains sound asleep as you reach your climax. You are surprised at the strength of your orgasm as you begin ejecting more semen than you thought possible into the 7 year old’s panties, soaking through the thin fabric. You continue jerking off as your orgasm subsides, all the while continuing to stroke her chest. She really does sleep through everything, you think to yourself. You’re certain this won’t be the last time you sneak into her room like this. It could even become a new nightly ritual.

You pull your hand away from Sarah’s chest and clean the last of your semen from the tip of your cock with her panties which are now thoroughly drenched.

As you Kneel down and return the panties to the floor of her room, you once again see the box of money on the floor. Upon closer inspection, you realize she’s accumulated quite a bit of money here. Definitely more than an average 7 year old ought to have.

Without putting much thought into it, you grab the box, but had to take one last look at Sarah's beauty and you remember she is a extremely heavy sleeper.

What do you choose to do?

Stick around a minute:


Forget that and go back to your room: