Family Ties/When do you starting getting horny for Tyler?

From All The Fallen Stories
< Family Ties
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You glance between Tyler and Cindy a few times before deciding on Cindy. "Truth or dare babe?"

Cindy is staring at Tyler, more specifically the out line of his cock when your voice pulls her back to reality. "Wha...What, oh, umm truth."

Her reaction gives you the perfect question. "When did you start getting horny for your cute little boy?" You ask, noticing that Tyler has also adjusted his position obviously very interested in his mother's response.

Cindy is already blushing a crimson red, indicating this should be one hell of an answer. "I guess it started a few years ago really..," The hot blonde begins lowly. "One night I was trying to work a good fuck out of Eric..., I was in a really skimpy, see-through baby doll that tied in the front and a matching pair of bikini cut panties. Tyler was already in bed and as soon as my so called husband was in the front door from work I was all over him.... "Cindy turns away from the two of you for a moment, lost in a memory. "I was so fucking horny that night." She breaths huskily.

"Anyway..," returning attention to the two of you but more focusing on you rather than Tyler. "He wanted no part of it.., giving me the standard, 'I'm tired' excuse..., pissed me off. So I told him he could just sleep on the couch so I did end up accidentally fucking him in the middle of the night and stormed up stairs, grabbed my favorite vibrator and tossed my self on the bed." Cindy drops her voice slightly, glancing towards Tyler before looking back into your eyes. "I guess it wasn't more then 5 minutes after i have yanked my panties off and started fucking my self with my plastic boyfriend before Tyler walked in wearing nothing but his underoos and climbed into bed with me..., laid on top of me and feel asleep."

She has to pause for a moment, a good thing too. God, if Timmy had done that to me I would have come right on the spot. You think to yourself. "How long before you climaxed?" You asked, pretty much already knowing the answer.

Cindy lets out a horny little giggle. "About 15 seconds. So there I am, with a vibrator wedged as far into my pussy as I can get and my gorgeous little man, the only one I know really loves me, laying on top of me with just the thinnest piece of satin separating our skin. So after I came for the fifth time I carefully slipped my hand between us, untied my nightie and pulled it open..., wrapped my arms around him and held on for dear life as that vibrator fucked the hell out of me."

You watch as a visible shiver goes through her body and she puts off the look of a woman on the edge of cumming herself. For the first time she make direct eye contact with Tyler, "And that wasn't the worst of it..., All my shaking and moaning must have woken you up a little bit cause your mouth found it's way to my nipple..., you pulled it into your mouth and started sucking." Cindy looks away and shakes her head. "After that I didn't stop cumming till I passed out. That morning I woke up and you were gone I am laying there basically naked with the vibrator still in my pussy dead as a door nail."

There is a long pause that seems to hang in the room for several seconds before some one breaks the silence. " I remember that mommy...., you should have woke me up." Tyler breaths, his hand tightly clamping his hard on.

"Oh baby you have no idea how many times I have fantasized about what would have happened if I had. How many times I have made my self cum..., how horny I get when I think about that night." Cindy drops her voice even lower as if it were even possible, leaning out of the bean bag chair allowing her breasts to hang slightly. "You have always been my little man in so many ways.., from the time you born I will always choose you over your father hands down."

You are both left to evaluate that final comment as Cindy decides where to take the game from here. One thing is for certain, it will likely end with Tyler's cock where she wanted it most that night..., in her pussy.





