The Babysitter and the Sisterly Trio/ChapterV/Back Downstairs

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We all head back downstairs and I cook them their dinner. Then we watch a movie together. Evy falls asleep with her head on my lap halfway through, but Tera and Riley both make it to the end.

They all look very tired when the movie is over, so I tell them "It's bedtime."

"Aww c'mon.." says Riley. "How about in an hour?" pleads Tera.

"Well I guess you COULD stay up." I tell them. "But then you'll be tired tomorrow and won't be able to stay awake. Meanwhile Evy will get a good night's sleep, and she'll have me all to herself."

This did the trick. Tera and Riley look each other for a minute, then bolt for the stairs. I shake my head and pick up the sleeping Evy in my arms, and carry her upstairs.

After all three girls are in their jammies and put to bed, I head back downstairs and set up the futon for me to sleep on. Normally I'd stay up much later than this, but these girls really know how to tire me out.

I fall into a sound sleep, and dream about nothing at all...

Chapter VI

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