Offline/Go along with Nicole's idea

From All The Fallen Stories
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"You think it'll help?" you ask, already confident the answer is no.

"Yeah, maybe. We have to try something, right?"

"I guess." You have to admit you wouldn't mind trying something, but not the way Nicole is thinking.

Nicole grabs your hand and pulls you out of the forest. The two of you go work out the details with Nicky's mom, who is also a bit surprised. It's a good kind of surprised though, happy that her daughter is willing to spend more time with her cousins. Nicole assures her that it's just for one night and that Jet and Hannah will be there to "look after" the two of you, but her mom doesn't need convincing. If she knew just how cramped, isolated, and sex-ridden your cabin was she probably wouldn't be so open to this, but instead Aunt Mary privately thanks you as Nicole leaves to collect some things. Your aunt confides in you that she has had to take Nicole's books away just to get her out of their cabin, so she's glad to see her daughter spending time with others her age. After she gives you her thanks, you give her your assurance that you won't let her daughter read any books tonight.

Your cousin exits a cabin with her arms full, pillow, sleeping bag and mat only loosely rolled up in a messy failure in front of her. She tells you to lead on and you direct her toward the path. When you notice her lack of luggage or even a backpack you ask Nicole if she needs help grabbing some clothes too but she says no, that she doesn't need to pack up all of her things. She can always come back to her mom's cabin to change or get ready for bed.

"That seems harder than packing," you note. She shrugs.

"Well it's only for one night. And it's not that far of a walk. Or are Jet and Hannah going to jump each other as soon as I'm gone? And I bet it'll be for just how long it takes me to get ready for bed, right?" she smiles, ribbing you a little.

It might have been a joke, but it sounds as if she still doesn't believe your stories, like you're making all this up. Is that Hannah's doing? What did they talk about? If Nicole's not teasing she's going to be in for a surprise! ...unless this plan actually works and Hannah isn't willing to try anything with Nicole there.

That thought is really frustrating. Despite your own struggles with it, you don't want this perverted shit to end. You've only been griping to Nicole so you can relive it and share your excitement with someone. So on one hand Nicole coming out with you is great because you want to be validated. Part of you also wants someone there that you can share your 'fascination' with while Hannah and Jet get busy. But if Nicole's mere presence puts an end to all of their sexual antics then that would make for a boring rest of this trip.

You banter a little more, then decide it's best to fix this. "Maybe, uh... I don't think we should tell them you're coming," you suggest to Nicole. "I think it's better to surprise them. Catch them off guard."

"Sure! I get it. That way they won't know who else you might decide to bring to the cabin each night!"

"Yeah! Exactly." Not exactly. You just need some time to think it over.

After the two of you trek out through the bush to get to your lonely little one room house, Nicole comes to grips with how "cozy" tonight will be. There's barely room for 3 sleeping bags, let alone 4. It's still fairly hot today and the cabin is a tad on the stuffy side, but the sexual musk from last night and this morning has thinned at least a little. Thankfully Jet and Hannah aren't here, so you could truly surprise them later if you want to. But .

You shuffle things around as best you can, sliding Nicole's bed into place between yours and Hannahs. Everyone's stuff is sort of overlapping everyone else's now, but these should still be workable sleeping arrangements. With nothing else to do you hang out here for a while, walking around the clearing beside the cabin, talking more and more about school and hobbies, how annoying your sister is, who is the weirdest of all the family here, just getting to know each other more. You and Nicole really just click.

You eventually make your way back to camp in time for lunch. That natural moment to split from Nicole eventually gives you an opportunity to chat with Hannah.

Lunch is all wrapped up before that opportunity arises, but you manage to pull Hannah off to the side of a cabin after, hiding from open view as best you can without actually hiding. You don't really want Hannah to be surprised by Nicole's idea because you feel like either she or Jet could get angry and kick out Nicole or, worse yet, you. But you're still not sure how best to make this work as you start talking about it.

"Why would you invite someone out for a "sleepover"?" mocks Hannah. "Are you 9? Plus it's like a one person cabin that already has 3 people. That doesn't even work. I mean, I like Nicole, it's not that. But, you know... it just won't work. You have to tell her no,"

Aw crap. You have to salvage this quick. "Listen, it's just that... Nicky is really interested. In the cabin. She wants to come sleep with us. With you... and with Jet..."

Hannah somehow finds an angry smile. "You gossipy jerk! Who have you been blabbing to?"

"No one! Honest! Just Nicole. And when I did, she asked if she could sleepover."

"She did?" replies Hannah, an eyebrow raising sharply. "Why?"

"Well, I dunno exactly. She's shy about it, so you shouldn't tell her I told you this..." you look around making sure there's no one trying to listen in. "But, yeah. She wants to see if you guys will do stuff with her in the cabin."

Totally the truth. Nicole offered to see if anything will happen while she's there. But you realize the words you used could be severely misinterpreted. And Hannah is already all over that.

"Wait, me? No way! Seriously?! She's so, like, young and innocent. I wouldn't... I mean, I'm not into girls, but... And she asked you?"

"Yeah. I told her tha-"

"Oh god, she's so pretty too, isn't she? Don't you think? Like a lame, preppy, oblivious kind of pretty, right?"

Picturing Nicole in her swimsuit distracts your train of thought. "Yeah. She is pretty."

Hannah bites her lip and pauses to think it over. "I dunno... Listen, no guarantees, but I'll try to twist Jet's arm, kay? I don't know what I'll tell Jet. Thankfully he's in a good mood since he got some. Maybe we can all make sure Nicole has a great time at her sleepover!" Hannah runs a single fingertip down the front of your torso, from the center of your chest, down your stomach, to flick off the top edge of your pants. She then pulls back and wiggles her hands in front of her with excitement. "Oh, this is already so much fun! It's like we're spies or pimps or something!"

Those are two very different things. But she's already walking away. "It's a secret though, right? You won't say anything to her?"

"Of course not! I know lots of secrets!" she says with a wink.

The afternoon is especially tense for you. Raw anticipation of what could happen tonight is at the forefront of your mind for hours. Even as you hang out with Nicole, and genuinely enjoying her company at that, all you can really think about is all the things that you will both get to see, and all the things you might get to do.

Of course you chastise yourself as well. There's no way that you know for certain how this is going to go down, or that it will go well. Nicole could get scared and run away. Jet could get mad and keep it from happening at all. Or it might just get too awkward for anyone to do anything.

All of these intrusive thoughts keep you plenty distracted. Thankfully, because you can barely focus on any of the games or activities you keep getting roped into playing, the rest of the day just flies by. After a late dinner you and Nicole walk around the camp aimlessly chatting and just happen to meander down the path away from camp. You actually get butterflies when you get closer to your bunk.

"I still can't believe they asked you to stay while they... y'know," notes Nicole as you open the door to the cabin.

"They didn't ask me to; they told me to."

Nicole shakes her head. "That's so crazy. It really is hard to believe." She sits on her sleeping bag, crossing her legs. You sit on yours, your back against the wall and pointing your legs out in front of you, running them past your cousin.

"Well you don't have to believe. It happened." You sound a bit terse, but you can't help but be a bit defensive still.

"Sorry. It's just... walking in on someone naked, or two, is not something tha-"

"They weren't naked," you are quick to correct.

"Huh? I thought they were... doing it?"

"Not right away. They were just making out. Like, they were MAKING out, but yeah."

"Oh! Okay. I guess that makes more sense," nods Nicole, still trying to logic the pieces together. "So... maybe they didn't mean to do it in front of you? It just sort of happened? Like an accident."

"I guess." The blowjob this morning sure wasn't an accident, but you don't want to get even more defensive so you don't remind her.

Nicole thinks some more before continuing. "Wasn't it weird to watch your cousin do that? To do it?"

You shrug. "I dunno. It was kinda surreal I guess. Almost like it wasn't happening. But I didn't really think 'that's my cousin'. Not at the time. It didn't gross me out anyway," you make sure to stress. This is getting more awkward by the second.

"Oh... How..." Nicole can't get this one out right away, but she tries again. "How did they... y'know..."

You raise an eyebrow. "What are you asking?"

"I don't know," she replies, leaning over to pick at the edge of her sleeping bag. "I guess I was just curious about... what you saw them do."

How much detail does she want exactly? And will details even help her? Knowing the nitty-gritty of the down-and-dirty isn't likely to keep her imagination going like it is now. Even though she's asking, maybe it's better to keep her wanting more.

Try not to sate Nicole's curiosity

Give Nicole the raunchy details