Smooth Operator/Gabby's Party/Dejected Raccoon

From All The Fallen Stories
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With the door ajar Jordan was finally able to see who was inside. She was a cute little raccoon girl with the grey hair natural to her species. Somehow the dark patterns on her face, also natural to her race, looked extra adorable with her features, although the tear traces down her cheeks definitely seemed to help with the image as well.

She is wearing a very frilly party dress, something which looks like it would be more appropriate in a ballet recital than something to wear to a social event. She looked like she was about the same age as your sister, Tara. Maybe around 7 or 8, but that dress seemed like the sort of thing that would make her look younger than her actual age so she could be older than that.

While you were taking in her features, you could see that she was staring wide-eyed at you as though she couldn't believe what she was seeing. "W-woah! No way!" She said in something that sounded like the mere act of you being here made her entire day better, as though the tear streaks down her face were a complete lie.

Her face breaks into a grin and she excitedly jumps to grab the door and immediately shuts and re-locks it. After that, she turns back around and looks like she's about to squeal in delight. She seems to somehow hold it in though as she has a slack-jawed expression as she looks you over. Then, she suddenly seems to hesitate a little.

"Umm... are you really a boy!?" She asks.

"Uhh... yeah..." You say with a bit of confusion at her behavior.

"Eee, hehehe!" She responds and does something that looks a little like she's running in place in her excitement. "I thought so! I heard the voice and thought you might be, and then you look like... but some girls like to look like that too! So you really are a boy!? Are you that Jordan boy Gabby always talks about at school!?"

"Uhh... yeah..." You respond, still a little confused at how over the top her reaction to you is. Wasn't she just crying a moment ago? She sounded pretty miserable before you came in. This is very confusing.