Life Hacks/Charity-preg/Chrty pick + (kinder)78 pick/Rape girl - Billie/Mother4/Billy les/4+father/Ask him to stay outside

From All The Fallen Stories
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"Alright, well, how about you wait right out here. I'll be right back after we're finished." You tell him, asking him to stay outside while you fuck his daughter.

"What? Well, I'm not sure I'm too comfortable with someone I don't know being in the bathroom alone with my daughter." He says.

You feel like a switch is flipped in your brain when you hear this. So, this is where the line between what is and is not covered by the system starts to make less sense, huh? Well, let's try to find out exactly where that blurred line's boundaries are.

"What? It's not like I'm going to do anything inappropriate." You tell him. "I'm just going to pull down her pants so I can stick my penis inside her privates. I'll have to have the other girl touch her down there too of course, since that's part of the deal. That is, unless the other girl gives up." Yeah, two older kids sexually molesting a pre-school girl. Nothing inappropriate about that at all. Let's see how he reacts exactly.

"What do you mean nothing inappropriate? You do realize my daughter is only 4 years old, right?" The father says. "I only agreed to this because I thought Sammy might enjoy it, but I'm really not sure I'm comfortable with a couple of boys I don't know doing all that stuff to her."

"Daddy?" The girl says and casts a concerned glance between you and her father.

"It's alright pumpkin." The father says. "Me and the nice young man are just talking about a few things."

Well, looks like the lack of age pass and such really are having an effect after all, even if people are ignorant about sex. Since you already know this crosses the line, time to figure out how that is exactly.

"Alright, so, how about you tell me what things about this are making you uncomfortable." You ask him.

"Well, of course that's the part where you are going to be seeing and touching her privates. That's definitely not appropriate. It would be one thing if you were both kids. Kids shouldn't be looking at each other's privates either, but at least I would understand it a little bit more." He said.

So, the age pass thing (or lack there of) really was causing an issue. The lack of sex knowledge is keeping him from being as outraged as he normally would be, but he still has enough of his original common sense to realize a teenage boy taking a girl to the bathroom and taking off her pants then touching her privates is definitely inappropriate.

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