Carnal Reflections/Chapter 1

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In this chapter you will find: Mb, inc, cons, oral, rim


A man’s first clear memory of the start of his sexual relationship between him and his dad.

Chapter 1

I am no longer young. My hair has turned from a dark brown to grey and wrinkles are etched in my skin. With the recent passing of my father, I have finally realized that my happy life is finite. Before I get too far along in years, I want to share some of my life with you. While I do not intend to make this a sappy, emotional romance, there may be some elements that carry a slight rose tint. My intent writing these stories, and just how many I do not know, is to pass along to you, the interested reader, my recollections of my many great adventures into the carnal delights.

So, having decided to take on this noble pursuit I must decide on where to start. And what better place to start that at the beginning or a close to that as I can recall. So, pour yourself some whiskey or a glass of your favorite beverage - sip with one hand and caress, stroke, fondle, hand fuck yourself, your mate, your lover as you read.

First a little about me and my family, to set the stage, before we go balls deep into my erotic life. My name is Rick. I am the middle child three. My brother, Adam, is 7 years older than me and my sister, Sarah, is 10 years younger than me. This rather large age difference between us made for some fun times...but we will get to those in good time. My father worked in construction. He was about 6’ 4”, barrel chested with strong arms and large hands. He could be intimidating and you never wanted to cross him. But, to me and my siblings, he was tough but fair, and could be as gentle as a teddy bear. My mom was rather petite at 5’ 6” but with soft curves that you loved to cuddle against. As for myself, my brother, and my sister, I would say we were of average build growing up. Each of us played soccer and swam competitively (again, more fun times between us and many of our friends) and kept in pretty good shape.

I always remember our family being very comfortable around each other. In the summer we would often move about our house and play outside with no clothes on. This would often include my mom and my dad when he wasn’t working.

I always thought my mom was elegant. As a kid I often imagined her as one of the good witches from Wizard of Oz or some magical fairy. I enjoyed watching her seemingly dance and glide through the house with beauty. Her breasts, with the dark areola and pointed nipples would sway slightly as she moved; her round ass would have the slightest jiggle with each step.

And my father, well I thought he was majestic. I may be exaggerating a bit. But as a six year old, I thought he was. He would move with confidence and never hesitated - always sure of where he was going and what he was doing. And to see his chest rise and fall, his arms flex, and powerful legs surge - that was beauty and power. On the weekends he and I would get into wrestling matches...but again, I’m getting ahead of myself.

Now, the beginning, or thereabouts. What I’m about to tell was my first clear recollection of us together exploring and having fun. Did something happen before? I’m sure it did, but this was my first clear memory.

My father was a great, loving man. A great husband to my mom. A great father and friend who taught me so much about life. But most of all, he was my first - and best - lover. I imagine my brother and sister would say the same.

The first vivid memory of my dad and I together occurred when I was about six. I don’t recall where my brother was that night. Probably spending the night at a friends house as I think it was a Friday night. Regardless, the evening followed our typical routine...

On the days he would work he would often come back late and exhausted. Typically my mom would give me a bath around 4pm and dad would arrive home around 5pm. Mom would let me air dry after the bath and I was running around playing when I heard him pull into the driveway. Excited for him to be home and to see him, I stopped playing and ran to greet him just as he opened the door and jumped up into his arms yelling, “Daddy, daddy, I missed you so much!”

“I missed you too big guy,” he said as he bent down, wrapped me in his arms, and lifted me in a powerful hug.

I attempted to reach my small arms around him in a hug as I kissed him on his lips. A small, quick peck. Then laid my head against his chest. I closed my eyes, inhaled deeply, and smelled sawdust, dirt, and sweat. To me, that was and still is, at the same time, the most comforting and erotic smell - with my moms fresh, sweet cherry pie a close second (yes, keep your head in the gutter - you know exactly what I mean).

“What did your lovely mother make for dinner tonight?” he asked, as he placed me on the ground and ran his rough hand down the small of my back and gently spanked my ass as I ran to the kitchen.

Mom walked out of the kitchen with his beer. Her answer to what was cooking was always the same, “Your favorite, me.”

“Mmmmm, indeed,” he said as he kissed her. One of his hands firmly gripped one of her breasts as the other came down with a smack on her ass and squeezed.

“Go, change and shower. You ain’t eating at my table until you are all cleaned up,” she said as she turned and moved back into the kitchen.

He took a drink from his beer and smirked as he admired mom’s ass before she turned the corner.

I was waiting on the other end of the hallway, by the door to their bedroom, “Dad, come on! I’m getting hungry! Let’s get you all cleaned up!”

He turned and smiled, “Right away big guy!” As he walked past me into the bedroom he roughed up my hair and I tried to swat him on his ass, like he did to me. “Ok, ok, I’m moving.”

As he walked in he pulled off his shirt and threw it into the pile of dirty clothes in the corner. Then sat on the edge of the bed.

I quickly moved and knelt down between his spread knees and started working the laces of first one boot and then the other. My head was down as I tried to concentrate and use my little fingers to undo the knots. As I worked I felt a large hand caress the back of my head. His rough but gentle fingers playing along my small, soft ear then along my cheek. He continued to caress as I finished one boot and looked up then held the palm of his hand against the side of my face.

I smiled up at him, “One done! One more!”

He smiled back and took another drink of his beer, “Good job!”

I went back to work on the other boot laces as he again caressed the back of my head.

“Done!” I yelled as I jumped up quickly. My six year old dick and balls bouncing as I landed.

He smiled, “Wait, you need to help me get them off.”

“Oh, right!”

He lifted one boot off the ground as I knelt down to get a grip around the boot. I leaned back and pulled as hard as I could. He pulled his leg back in the opposite direction. After some struggling, the boot suddenly came off and I lost my balance. I landed on my ass, my legs spread wide, my tiny dick and balls again on display. After the initial surprise of landing on my ass both of us broke into laughter.

“Careful big guy!”

“I know. I’m ok.” I got up and moved to his other remaining boot. This one came off much easier. “Ok, let's get you cleaned up now!”

“Wait, I still need help. I need to get my pants off,” he sat with his legs spread, one hand holding the now empty beer bottle while the other moved back and forth over the bulge in the crotch of his pants.

“Oh, dad. I’ll help you” I had started to move to their bathroom but turned and came running back.

As I came near, my dad stood up, “Help me with the belt first.” His crotch was the same level as my round face.

It was at this point that I felt something switch on inside me. Back then I didn’t know what it was, but I felt a sudden flutter inside me. My breath caught in my chest. Then I remember taking quicker, shorter breaths. I was nervous. I was excited. My little dick started to grow slightly, to get harder. This was not the first time I had undressed my dad. At least I don’t think so. But it is the first time I recall feeling the anticipation of what was about to happen.

He let the empty beer bottle fall on the bed and roll off onto the floor. I didn’t notice or care as I was concentrating on getting his pants off. Both of his large hands ran through my hair and along my shoulders. His thick fingers moving slowly back and forth along the nape of my neck.

As I undid his belt, one hand firmly held my shoulder as the other now ran along the side and back of my head. His thick fingers radiating warmth along my skin and through me. I remember my heart beating faster, but I was not afraid - I was excited.

As my small fingers undid the button of his pants and pulled his zipper down, I inhaled deeply through my nose. His sweat, his musk filled my lungs. My tiny eyes closed as I savored how he smelled.

I opened my eyes and moved my hands to either side of his hips, gripped the belt and waist of his pants in my tiny hands, and started to pull them down. I leaned forward slightly to try and use some of my weight to pull his pants down. His pants started to move down slowly at first and then they quickly fell to the floor as gravity started to help out. I lost my balance slightly and as I was falling into my dad’s crotch, his massive dick sprang out, now free of the confines of his pants. His cock was semi erect and slapped my cheek as I turned my head and face planted into him.

I let his pants go and quickly moved my hands up to his muscled thighs and pushed myself back onto my feet.

“Woah, someone is a little eager,” he laughed as one hand firmly gripped my shoulder and the other the back of my head.

“Daaad, I fell over,” I said looking back up at him. Then back down at his growing cock. “Your pee-pee feels hot.” I rubbed my cheek where my dad’s cock hit and then touched his cock with one finger. Pushing the thickly veined shaft that was growing bigger before my eyes.

My dad flexed his crotch and his cock jumped in response to my touch as if trying to jump after my finger that touched it.

I laughed as I pushed it again and he flexed his cock once more.

“I’m glad to be home, son. Back home with my lovely family. And my cock gets bigger and harder when I see your mom and you. To see your lovely face and big eyes.” He let hit fingers run through my hair and then lifted my chin so I was now looking up at him again.

After a brief moment, he kick the pants off from around his feet and then lifted me up into the air. His warm, strong hands holding me secure just under my arms. He threw me up and caught me. A big smile on his face and mine as he did it again. He held me high above him. Now I was looking down upon him.

“I love you, son.”

He slowly lowered me and kissed me on my lips. His lips were warm as they enveloped mine. His tongue teased, and licked along the outside before probing gently into my mouth.

I didn’t know how to kiss. I had of course kissed my mom and dad. Puckered my lips and planted quick kisses. I always tried to mimic what I saw them do but never knew what to do with my tongue. And now I awkwardly tried again. I tried to close my lip around his large, wet tongue. I sucked his tongue and let my tiny tongue flick under his as it probed my small mouth.

He lifted me away from him, breaking our kiss, and then quickly turned and laid me on the bed. He placed both hands on either side of me. His face and body were now just a few inches above me. He looked me briefly in the eyes and then let his hungry gaze wander down my small body.

“Beautiful,” he said in a deep barely audible whisper as he looked me in the eyes once more.

Holding himself up with one arm, he caressed my cheek. His thick fingers running along my small round face.

He kissed me again. This time with a little more force as a hunger had built up in him. As he kissed me, his hand ran slowly up and down my small chest and stomach. His fingers found one of my hard nipples. He gently squeezed it between his thumb and forefinger and then let his thick thumb make small circles around it.

“Aaaahhh...mmmmm,” I let out in a muffled sigh as his tongue continued to play in my mouth. My heart was beating fast and I tried to catch my breath as best I could between our kisses. I loved everything he was doing to me. It felt incredible. And my little dick, I suddenly noticed felt tight and almost hurt. I wanted to see what was happening but didn’t want to stop kissing him either.

My dad’s hand again started to slowly make its way down my body. His meaty fingers worked themselves around my tiny dick and gently massaged my groin. Taking my tiny balls and rolling them softly. Then running the short length of my tiny dick. Up to the tip and back down, between thumb and forefinger, he started to jack me off.

He broke our kiss, and leaning on his elbow he rolled his body off beside mine and looked down at his hand and my tiny dick.

“My big guy is getting pretty big!”

I looked down as his large hand continued to fondle me. My tiny dick was bigger than I ever remembered seeing it. And it was hard and stuck straight out from my body. But my dick was no bigger than his pinky finger. I wasn’t sure what he was talking about because jutting out from his waist was his massive cock. It looked as thick as my arm and about as long too, from my elbow to the tips of my fingers.

I was mesmerized by how it bobbed and swayed with the slightest motion of his body. The way thick veins ran along its length up to the bulb like head. I wanted to touch it. But my dad had other plans at the moment.

He pushed himself up and off the bed and knelt down between my legs. His large hands gripped me around my waist and pulled my ass to the edge. I laughed at the quick movement and then pushed myself up on my elbows to look down at him as he started to lay kisses along my soft thighs. His tongue with short, wet licks up towards my tiny, hard dick. I could feel his warm breath on my sensitive skin.

I watched him as my own breathing came in quick short breaths.

His large hands caressed me along my sides and chest. He looked up at me with a look that I know now was of a deep lustful hunger. And then he took my dick into his mouth.

I gasped. Not from shock of what he was doing. It didn’t feel foreign or unnatural to me at the time. No, it was the pleasure I felt. Pleasure from feeling the warmth of his mouth as worked up and down the short length. Pleasure at how I could feel his tongue massage under and around me. Feel his tongue tease the tiny head of my cock. My eyes closed as I inhaled deeply with the building inside my young loins.

I don’t know how long he was sucking on me, but I felt his hands grasp the back of my knees and push my legs up. I could feel his warm breath on my now exposed tiny asshole. It was only a fraction of a second before his tongue started lapping along my crack. Slow licks from my asshole up to my small sack. My dad’s tongue would circle around tiny balls then suck them into his mouth and massage them gently before moving his tongue back to my ass.

His attention did not stop at the periphery as I felt the tip of his tongue pry gently but firmly to open my tight asshole. His lips closed along my splayed fleshy ass cheeks and sucked as his tongue rhythmically pushed and went slightly deeper each time.

In one quick motion his mouth engulfed my dick and balls. His lips and tongue working in tandem. His wet mouth sucked and kneaded me. My breathing was quick. My stomach rising and falling as the intense pleasure I was feeling built to its climax.

“Aaaahhh…,” I started to gasp but my voice and breath caught in my throat. My legs and hips reflexively went straight. My hips thrusting upward. My tiny dick shoved deep into my dad’s mouth. I did not shoot any cum. That first would come some time later.

My dad continued to work my dick as the intense wave subsided and then laid me back on the bed. I laid their limp trying to regain my breath and recovering from my dad’s very pleasurable molestation.

After a few seconds he pushed himself up and stood at the edge of the bed. His immense cock thrusting towards me. He looked down at me, gripped his cock in one hand, and slowly started working his fist along his veined length.

I was slowly catching my breath and pushed myself up into a seating position leaning back on my hands. His cock within inches of my mouth.

Looking up at him, “That was great! Your turn, dad!”

“What the fuck!” My mom yelled from the doorway to the bedroom as I was reaching up to grab my dad’s fat cock in my tiny hand.