Fantastic Views/The Kindergarten

From All The Fallen Stories
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The happy screams of young children playing echoed around the carpark. You leaned against a wall, waiting and watching. Parents would be here soon to pick up their kids. You knew you would have to choose and follow them home. Since it was a nice day, the odds were good that they would be allowed to play outside. Soon enough, three kids were lead out by their parents. You have to choose quickly. The first child is a four year old girl. She had pale, freckled skin and ginger hair. She bounced happily behind her mother. The second child was a four year old boy. He stared at the ground as he followed his mother, his short black hair hanging over his eyes. His tan skin was exotic and unblemished. The third child was a two year old girl. She was being carried by her father. She was dark skinned with curly brown hair. She cried and flailed around as she was carried away.