Making the Team/Go over alone

From All The Fallen Stories
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That's kind of weird. Why would Jesse want you to bring one of your sisters? They never tag along when you're hanging out with him. For a moment you feel like asking him why, but fuck it. You'll just have to go there alone, then say your sisters couldn't come or something like that.

After putting on a new set of clothes, you head down the stairs and make your way over to Jesse's house. He lives near enough that you can comfortably walk over. Come to think of it, the whole town is small enough that just about anywhere would be a comfortable walk's pace from your home. It's a closely-knit community where everyone pretty much know each other - and maybe that's what makes you a bit nervous. Jesse is a main player at school. Handsome, fit, popular and smart enough to take advantage of it all. It's probably not smart to go against his wishes and show up alone, but again, fuck it. You're doing this.

Soon enough you're on his porch, where you ring the bell. It only takes a little bit for Jesse to open. His blonde hair is practically gleaming in the sunlight, and he looks like some he-man straight out of a WWII poster. But the smile quickly drops from his face when he realizes you're alone.

"Where's your sister?" he demands.

"Oh, yeah." You shrug. Behind Jesse, you can see a lot of people moving about. Other players from the Football Team. There's music, and you're hit with the distinct smell of weed and booze. "Sorry, man. She couldn't make it. What are you guys up to?"

Jesse purses his lips with a frustrated sigh. "Fuck! I was looking forward to cream a ginger bitch today."

"What are you talking about?" Jesse certainly didn't say anything about wanting to fuck your sisters.

"Dipshit. We were gonna run a train on that bitch Jodie - fuck her up a bit for always being such a stuck-up cunt. I told everyone that you would bring her over, but I guess you're good for nothing." He eyes you up and down with disappointment.

"Thanks for nothing." Jesse finally adds before starting to close the door on you. What do you do?