Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First week/Aliya/Add to it/Punishment first/None/Stroke her

From All The Fallen Stories
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"Alright, lay back." You tell the still sobbing Aliya. You pull out a wet wipe from the basket, and then gently press on her shoulder with your other hand. "I'm going to finish cleaning you up." You tell her.

Once she has laid back, you gently cradle one of her legs in your free arm while you rub the wipe over her flat labia at a snail's pace. You focus on making your wiping of her girly parts slow and gentle enough for her to feel the warmth of your hands through the cloth, and you aim to do it in such a way as to make her find it soothing.

As you are trying to soothingly polish her vulva in such a way that not even a molecule of urine is left over, Aliya's crying calms down to just occasional sobs. Then, she becomes even more quiet and you catch her face out of your peripheral vision as she is silently watching what you are doing.

"You just wet yourself, I got to make sure you are completely clean." You tell her. You have about finished rubbing around her outer labia and her butt cheeks. You go on to rubbing down the middle of her slit. "I gotta make extra sure with this area." You tell her. "Girls usually don't clean themselves in here as well as they should, even though it's the area that gets the most dirty when you pee."

"Mmm..." She moans as you keep gently stroking inside her slit.

You release her leg with your free hand and bring it over to spread out her labia, causing Aliya's pink insides to be on full display. You pay her slick pink areas even more attention than you just gave the outside parts.

"Mmm... that tickles." She whimpers.

"Yeah, this part of a girl is really sensitive." You tell her. "But it definitely has to get really really clean."

"Mmm..." She moans. There is a very long silence as you keep gently molesting her with the wet-wipe. You run it up the middle of her slit, down the fold between her labia minora and majora, up the middle again, and then down the other side. You continue this excruciatingly slow figure 8 pattern for around 4 or 5 repetitions before Aliya finally looses her patience and speaks again. "Mmm... Mr. Garner? I don't think this is normally how you clean babies." She tells you.

"Well, you're not really a baby, are you? You're a little girl." You tell her.

"Mmm..." She responds. The look on her face says this was nowhere even in the same ballpark as her expected response. "Uhh... yeah, but..." She whines.

"This is the upgraded punishment for wetting your diaper." You tell her. "I'm going to make extra special sure there is absolutely no pee at all in your privates anymore. I'm going to clean everywhere really really extra special well."

You toss out the wipe and replace it with a new one. You don't want to risk infection by rubbing her pee into the next place you plan on going. You move your slow ministrations downward until you find the entrance to her vagina, and then you begin circling the outside of it with the fresh and cool wipe.

"Eeeh! That's cold!" She protests.

"It's alright." You tell her as you keep stimulating the edges of her entrance and then slowly begin to press the cloth into her.

"Ahh! Where are you... touching!?" She asks. She sits up and looks down at her pussy where you are pressing the wet wipe into her vagina. She reaches forward to try to stop your wrists. "Stop that! It feels really weird!" She whines. You respond by grabbing both of her hands firmly with your one free hand and then look her directly in the eyes.

"Don't try to stop me, young lady. This is a part of your punishment. I told you about this already."

"Mmm..." She whimpers as you let her hands loose and then continue sticking in the wet wipe. She gasps when you begin rubbing her hymen, and she tries even harder to see what you are doing.

"Seriously! Where is that you're touching? That's not my bottom hole!" She spreads her legs out wider and pulls open her own labia, trying to get a better look at what you're doing. By the sounds of it, she never knew that her vagina existed before right now. Guess the town taught her enough anti-masturbation lessons for her to never discover it.