Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Suzy/Itch/Powder/Exploit/Sperm/Sex/Inside

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You decide to push this as far as you possibly can. If you can play your cards just right, you might even be able to get your load all the way up inside her without anybody knowing, especially with Suzy here being so behind on her knowledge about sexual intercourse despite having already been through a sex-ed class.

"Well Suzy," You say, "if you had just come to me about this instead of touching yourself like that, then I could probably do something for you. Since you were touching yourself between the legs though, I am going to have to do something to your privates to make it so you will be even more uncomfortable."

"Mmm... wh... what are you going to do... sir?" She asks with a quivering voice, she actually covers her eyes with a hand as you are still massaging around her pussy with your fingers, sweeping some of the stale sticky semen into her vaginal opening. Most of your sperm in this puddle are likely dead by now, but it still feels sexy to have it inside her pussy where it belongs.

"Well, do you know what your vagina is?" You ask her.

"Mmm..." She moans and nods, never removing her hand from her eyes.

"That's not a proper answer Suzy." You say in a harsh tone.

"Mmm... y... yes. Yes sir. I... I know what my vagina is." She says.

"What is it then?" You ask, wanting to make sure with the extent of what the sex education in this town might be like.

"It's... it's where blood comes out when I have my period." She says.

Interesting. So she actually is fertile then. This thought makes you even harder as you begin sweeping up semen from the material of the diaper to stuff into her vagina. While you are at it though, you decide to keep pushing her for more answers on the nature of her sexual knowledge.

"And why do girls get periods?" You ask her.

"Mmm... it's... it's because it's god's punishment to women because Eve tricked Adam into eating the forbidden fruit, sir." She rattles off the answer that had likely been drilled into her.

That was not entirely unexpected, but... you decide to ask something else. "Do you know anything else about a girl's period?"

"Ummm..." She opens her eyes and looks at you between her fingers. "Uhh... no sir." She says.

Hmm... where should you go from here?