
From All The Fallen Stories
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It's a pretty tame job, but working at the "Zealous" department store in New York had always been a dream of yours. Zealous stores had been a fixture in every country across the globe for some decades now, and recently they expanded off-world, opening stores on space stations and even one on your home planet, an entire galaxy away. But the New York City store remains the largest. Offering everything a modern metropolitan could need to make their way in this crazy world, from the latest fashion to the most advanced battle armor, from hairstyling to cybernetic upgrades, from sex toys to machine guns; on some floor of this towering pillar you would find what you were looking for, and as such it stands as a monument to all men and women who believe that they should have what they want when they want it and won't settle for less.

You work as a sales associate in the clothing department. Maybe not the most exciting position among the countless in the huge complex, but you were pretty good at it, and you know that with time you will get promoted. You've always had an interest in fashion, so becoming the department manager, following trends and deciding what styles would ensure that wherever they went, your shoppers were representing the cutting-edge was your goal. But for now you simply handle the frankly overpriced merchandise for customers and try to learn a bit every day.

You fling your covers down off of you and swing your legs over the side of the bed, brushing some clothes you had left there with your feet as you bring them to the floor. You sigh at your own laziness and grab the grey leggings off the floor. You were working out in them yesterday, so they were sweaty. And after your workout, you masturbated in them, so they were creamy. You smile as the little white mark on the inside reminds you of the wonderful orgasm you had. As you ball the dirty leggings up you twist your upper body towards the other side of your bed where your laundry hamper was. You casually toss the clothes up in a high arc towards the blue basket and-


Today might just be a good day. You hop up and trod sleepily over to your dresser, made of the same softly shining off-white plasticoid as the floor. You open up the big doors and many drawers, assembling your outfit for the day. The dress code at your job was luckily pretty lenient; you were free to wear whatever shirt and accessories you like so long as you wear some form of black skirt, black shoes, and the company's headwear that shines up a light to help shoppers locate help among the sometimes maze-like rows of shelves. You also have to wear white panties, a rule that was instituted after the store decided that underwear would be best to either be a consistent color or not shown at all. The girls working there all voted to wear white panties so as to not be restricted to wearing skirts long enough that they wouldn't expose their underwear or putting on leggings over top of it.

You take off your pyjamas and toss them into the laundry hamper, then slide on a pair of soft white panties with subtle lace around the edges. Standing there naked, you take a look at your options.

Character Equipment Status
Name Sapphire Exo n/a n/a
Age 10 Top n/a
Species Galaxian Bottom n/a
Gender {{{Gender}}} Underwear Panties (white, lacy)
Orientation {{{SO}}} Feet {{{Feet}}}
Skin color Pink-grey Other n/a
Hair color {{{Hair color}}}