Offline/Just enjoy your time in the river

From All The Fallen Stories
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You spend the next hour in the river together, lounging about, swimming around, splashing the younger kids, and diving semi-competitively. Auntie Grace spends most of that time sunbathing, starfished naked on a large flat rock on the shore giving a far too graphic show between her legs to all the kids in the water. The youngest kids have the best view since they are closest to shore, but they are also the least interested which seems a bit of a waste. By comparison, you make a few too many glances toward your aunt, so many that Jet asks you whether you want to join her. That makes you stop.

Once you've all grown tired of swimming you make your way back to your discarded clothes on the shore. You don't think much about it and quickly pull your pants on, or as quickly as you can pull pants onto wet legs. But the older kids aren't so willing to do that. You immediately realize why as your wet boxers begin to soak through the crotch of your pants. Instead, Jet steps to the side and strips off his sopping wet undies, briefly leaving him standing nude next to Auntie Grace. You're positive she gives him more than a glance as he does so, but even from behind you think you can spot his very healthy member swinging between his legs while he puts his pants on.

Hannah isn't shy enough to step away, but she doesn't abandon modesty either. After squeezing the water from her hair she slips her arms out of her bra straps and pulls on her shirt. She lowers her bra along with her shirt until both are at her waist, at which point she unclasps her bra. She doesn't bother dealing with her panties however, only pulling up on them to keep them from sagging.

A perpetual peeper, you can't help but inspect Jet's girlfriend. A pair of pointy wet nipples poke through her top while the crotch of her soaked undies draw even more of your attention. You are positive you can make out even her sparse blonde pubes against her fair skin through the wet white fabric, not to mention a far more obvious camel toe.

Where Hannah left off her shorts, Jet chooses to go without a shirt. That leaves both of them carrying around clothes, some wet some dry. Nicole shakes her arms and wrings her hair but is otherwise fine with a swimsuit. You disregarded how wet you were, or maybe were too distracted by Auntie Grace when you were walking to shore, and turned your dry clothes wet just by putting them on. Picking up your shoes, you all walk back into camp barefoot. Hannah and Jet both try to act cool and casual and sit down around the campfire just as they are, but it's clear they aren't really comfortable. The sun seems to be doing a better job of drying you than the fire will, and after a few minutes of walking around you all end up heading back out to your cabin together.

While the rest of you are looking for an opportunity to get changed, Nicole has no reason to follow you out here. It's true that her sleeping bag is still at your cabin, but she has nothing to change into. You suppose that if she was really bothered by it she could have done so by now. You were in the middle of camp for at least a short while. But she's more interested in hanging out and seems confident enough donning her "supermodel" suit for a while longer.

Once you all get to the cabin you find Hannah has no interest in changing. Not right away at least. She wants to finish drying. She and Jet drop off their extra clothes and meander around the cabin and into the clearing surrounding it, you and Nicole following. Hannah finds the shortest patch of grass and flowers available and plops herself down in the sunshine. Jet and Nicole take a spot on either side of her, leaving you an easy choice to lay down next to Nicole. All four of you sprawl out in the afternoon sun, happy to simply exist and bask together under the warm summer rays. You try to not bring attention to it, but you have to take off your pants. Your undies will refuse to dry while trapped inside. Thankfully no one cares.

"I might have to borrow your swimsuit at some point," comments Hannah softly after a few minutes of silence, listening to the birds. You were halfway toward taking a nap when she spoke up so it barely registered, but the topic sure captures your attention. "It really is amazing."

"Thanks. I mean, it's not that good of a suit really. But I do like it."

"It's not that good," scoffs Hannah sarcastically. "Girl, look at yourself! You're hot as fuck right now. Just the lines on this thing..."

Hannah rolls toward Nicole and starts dragging her fingers down the edges of Nicole's one-piece again. Nicole's hands are clasped behind her head giving Hannah totally open access to her body. Hannah calmly compliments your cousin while softly petting her, gently dragging her open hand across Nicole's stomach, up the center of her chest, and onto her sides. It's a far more intimate, sensual experience than the backrub earlier and Nicole very quickly gives herself over to it while Hannah whispers compliments.

"For real, I just want to stare at you. I have no idea how this is cut so high and so low at the same time."

You watch Hannah's fingertips trace along Nicole's hip bones and brazenly dip down Nicole's pelvis. Nicole has closed her eyes and so far hasn't so much as twitched. You feel like Hannah is trying to force a twitch as she slips her hand down the inside of Nicole's thigh, but the younger girl is peaceful and still. She goes so far as to pull on Nicole's leg, draggin the girl's knee out to the side and forcing Nicole's thighs to part wider. With that done, she goes back to Nicole's hip. She tucks the tip of one finger just underneath the edge of Nicole's suit while another finger follows behind on top of that edge, the two digits exploring Nicole's soft tan line above her leg.

"Like, the back is wild, but this part is super sexy too..."

Hannah glides slowly back and forth along the hem, plunging lower and lower down Nicky's pelvis, inch by inch, normalizing her touch, until she's outright tracing the edge of Nicole's pussy along the lycra. Her hand sinks all the way down between Nicole's legs, then slides back up to mid pelvis, still lightly pinching the thin suit.

"There's not even a gusset, is there?" Hannah dips down again and Nicole breathes deeply, but calmly, through her nose. "I love it. This is so... daring."

You seem to be more shocked than Nicole is with someone rubbing under the inseam of her crotch. Does she really not realize what's going on or is she just pretending it isn't happening by keeping her eyes closed? Maybe you aren't seeing what you think you are, but Hannah smiles at you as she continues to rub Nicole's narrow inseam. You look away, not that she cares about you catching her, and instead glance across at Jet only to realize that he has long since succumbed to the warm embrace of the sun and fallen asleep. With that established it's no wonder Hannah is so boldly fondling one of her boyfriend's cousins. He's been the only one to squash her sexual deviancy so far, but right now, as long as she's quiet, she can have fun. You suspect she's also trying to get a rise out of you with this. And you have definitely risen. You wish you'd have kept your pants on.

Hannah raises an eyebrow at you. Is she gloating? Or was that an invitation? You tell yourself it's the latter. Carefully, you lift a hand and place two fingertips on Nicole's stomach. No reaction. You rub slowly, up and down, just a few times as a test. Still nothing. With Hannah smiling, you get bolder.

Gliding up Nicole's body, your fingers move over her sternum then circle up toward her shoulder before flirting past her open armpit. Before you even realize it you graze right over her nipple. Nicole inhales sharply. You pull your hand away instantly and she eventually lets out her breath, slowly relaxing again. Hannah seems to chuckle to herself but that was too risky for you. You feel guilty for even touching Nicole, mostly because she didn't know that was you. But you don't mind continuing to watch.

As minutes slowly pass, Hannah's movements become shorter and more focused. Her fingers never find their way onto Nicole's pelvis again. Instead, her hand rests along Nicole's open thigh while each gentle stroke of her fingers has to be focused squarely on Nicky's pussy. You can hardly believe your cousin is letting someone fondle her so openly. She looks so relaxed, so content, that you briefly contemplate lowering her arms and pulling her swimsuit off of her body, just to see if you could. Hannah did say she wanted to borrow it. But you get closer to pulling off your boxers and jerking one out. Of course none of that happens. You just watch in wonderment until Hannah's rubbing slows and she gingerly pulls her hand away from Nicole.

"This feels so nice, hmm?"

"Mhmm..." sighs Nicole.



You're positive they both fall asleep soon after. That's just not fair. How are you supposed to nap when you're this hard?

After an early morning of sexual tension and an early afternoon of swimming, a mid afternoon nap is well received by all. You still don't have a watch, but you can't imagine you slept more than an hour, and maybe just half. Still, that's plenty to recharge.

Nicole shares rather abruptly that she has to pee. You think she was expecting Hannah to go with her, but her new friend stays laying in the grass with you so Nicole slowly wanders off to find some privacy, which is a pretty good walk if she expects to get completely out of sight. Jet then announces he's going to find some new clothes. Nicole is still in view inside the tree line by the time Jet enters the cabin, but she's far enough away to have a hard time hearing you, which is when Hannah rolls closer.


"So what?"

"So do you think she had fun?" asks Hannah excitedly.

What is she talking about? Nothing even happened!

Nicole probably did, but you didn't. Ask for some pointers from Hannah.