Must be true/part 5

From All The Fallen Stories
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Alright, well… I still felt really really awkward about how to talk about having sex with this little girl. There was one thing that was sitting much much larger in my mind though. I know my mom would kill me if she found out I did that with her after all of that she just said. So, I should do something about that first.

“Ummm… so… hey.” I said. “Umm… my mom, when she was talking to me and you couldn’t hear it, she said that I can have sex with you. Actually, she really wanted me to do that with you a lot, so there is no way she’s going to get us in trouble if me and you have sex.”

She didn’t say anything. She is just looking at me with a confused expression after I told her that.

“Uhh… do you even know what sex means Jodi?” I asked her.

“Uhhh…” she seemes really nervous, but then she shakes her head and looks embarassed, like she feels like she ought to know what it is and she’s disappointed she can’t answer me.

“Umm… yeah, I guess you wouldn’t” I said. “I mean, you’re only 6 years old. Normally, kids don’t learn about sex until you’re at least 12 or something. And you’ve also lived in the hospital all your life, so you probably don’t know about a lot of things normal kids know about.”

I thought about what I was saying here for a bit. Wouldn’t this actually make it harder to talk her into having sex if she didn’t know anything? Ok, well, I have already gone this far. Maybe I should push it all the way to the extreme. “I bet you didn’t even know boy’s privates are different from a girl’s privates, right? I know you’re going to love getting to see my penis. I can show you when I teach you how to have sex.”

She smiled without saying a word.

“Uhh… hey, you can talk, right?” I asked. She hasn’t actually said a word since I got here. She just made a bunch of nervous and insecure sounds and smiled or shook her head at things I said. Wait! That actually gave me the perfect idea to get her out of her pants.

“Oh! I get it!” I said. “You are trying to figure out how to ask me to help you use the bathroom, right? Your body is still weak from the stuff they did to you at the hospital so you need help, and my mom didn’t even notice you needed help with that, so you’ve got to go really really bad now, right?”

“Mmm…” She moaned and then stuck her hands between her legs. “Y… yeah, I gotta pee really badly!” She said. She was actually fidgiting around to a point I got scared she might loose it before I could get her to the toilet.

“Ahh! It’s Ok, you’re not going to wet yourself before I get you sat on the toilet. I’ll take you right now!” I told her and helped her up. She stood unsteady on her feet, clinging to my arm with both hands and leaning a lot of her weight on me.

Although there was a sudden sense of urgency, I couldn’t let one more opportunity pass by when I saw it. “Uhh… those pants are too big for you too, they are going to fall down the moment we start to move so maybe you should just take them off now so you don’t trip while I’m helping you to the bathroom.”

“Mmm…” She groans again and clings tighter to my arm. Then, her pants immediately fall to the ground along with her underwear which even look a size bigger on her than the pants. That means those are Aimie’s underwear, right?

“Ahh, umm…” I got into something of a half panic for a second as I tried to figure out how to handle the situation with the pants and panties around Jodi’s ankels.They may have been too big to stay up, but bunched up around her ankles they still weren’t something she could just step out of. “Ah, alright! Sit down again, I’ll get the pants off for you.” I told her and sat her back down on the counch.

Meanwhile, she clamped her legs together with both her hands pressed against her privates. She kept squirming around, she really seemed like she was desperately trying to hold it in now. She really was showing so much distress that it was not possible to think she had to go this badly the way she was acting when I had first got here.

Yeah, it was definitely my new ability that made her have to go to the bathroom like this. Also, despite what I said, the pants seemed to be staying up more or less alright before I said they would fall.

“Mmm… hurry, hurry, hurry.” Jodi said as she fidgited around. This brought me out of my daze and I quickly pulled the pants and underwear off her ankles. Then, I thought for a second. A 6 year old would be a little too big for me to just pick up normally, but then I actually had the perfect solution for that.

“It’s Ok, I’ll carry you. I’m strong enough that you should be pretty light to me.” I said. I could feel the drooling pre-cum in my underwear as I picked up the half-naked girl. I held her by her bare ass cheeks, and my fingers brushed against hers as she was still trying to use her hands to hold her pee in.

I felt something cold and wet against my knee as I princess carried her to the upstairs bathroom. The pre-cum drooling from my dick was apparently enough that a drop of it fell into my pant leg.

There was a downstairs bathroom that was closer, but I had said that she wasn’t going to pee until she was on the toilet, and the upstairs bathroom was also bigger. The downstairs was just a half-bath. Only the toilet and the sink and not much room at all. It would have been tough to fit both me and her in there at the same time. Plus, this way I get to enjoy the feeling of holding a half naked girl by her bare ass a little longer.

When I got to the bathroom, suddenly all sorts of crazy thoughts filled my head. There was a lot that I could do with her like this.

(Four separate polls, you may vote in all of them. Note: It is assumed he will be watching her pee regardless of the vote.)

Should Eliot be nice or abuse his power for a test?
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There were 12 votes since the poll was created on 19:20, 22 March 2021.
poll-id 2758B96B48CE0606A845B48221DF10B5

Should he do something with her on the toilet?
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There were 13 votes since the poll was created on 19:21, 22 March 2021.
poll-id 611270ABAC926DDDC5BC76F9B6783C97

Should he have sex with her on the toilet
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There were 13 votes since the poll was created on 19:13, 22 March 2021.
poll-id 5D9B596B6953E1B788E2E05EEE25F71D

If he has sex with her, should he explain what he's doing?
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There were 13 votes since the poll was created on 19:16, 22 March 2021.
poll-id C52E9D073BE7283D49394BC98F8328E9