Incest Seduction/Pretend nothing interesting is happening today

From All The Fallen Stories
< Incest Seduction
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You decide it would be a good idea to cool things down a little. Sure, you want to get fucked by your brother, but you kinda want to see him work for need to be giving it away for free. So you get up out of bed and put your clothes back on--the same outfit that seemed to catch Zack's attention. You're hoping that if you're wearing his old shirt while he's here doing laundry anyway, he might demand that you take it off and give it to him. You wouldn't be mad at that.

Once dressed again, you open your door and walk out to the living room. Sure enough, the rest of the family is now awake and about. Your parents are in the kitchen making breakfast, and your older sister Dawn is on the couch watching TV with her phone out. Of course, you know she's not really watching TV; she always turns it on when mom & dad are home so she doesn't have to talk to them.

Your dad is the first one to see you. "Good morning, kitten" he says as he puts his newspaper down. "Everything okay in there?"

Your face instantly turns red with embarrassment. You were worried they could hear you masturbating in your bedroom, but you're mortified that it's your father that would comment on it. Eager to change the subject you respond with "Yeah, I'm fine. What smells so good out here?"

"I'm makin' bacon!" you mother declares from the stovetop. "You want 1 slice or 2 with your toast?"

"None thanks, I'm not hungry," you lie. Actually it all looks very inviting, but you want to stay away from the fatty foods now that you know your brother likes your body--you want to make sure it stays that way.

"Well you have to eat something, Kimberly."

"Thanks mom, but I just ate an apple when I woke up this morning." You walk past the kitchen and over to the TV, then slump down on the couch next to Dawn.

"So Kim, what have you been up to all morning?" your sister asks you in a mischievous way. It's not like her to talk to you if she doesn't have to, so you know something is up. You're a little worried that Dawn heard you moaning your brother's name, since Dawn's room is on the other side of your bedroom wall and she always sleeps in late. Come to think of it, you can't remember the last time you've seen her awake this early on a weekend.

"Nothing. Just cleaning my room," you tell her without making eye contact with her.

"Oh, that must've been what woke me up then," Dawn says, looking up from her phone and staring at you. "I thought I heard you crying... or moaning?"

"Nope. Just cleaning, like I said," you say a little too defensively.

"It sounded like you were breathing pretty heavily in there."

"Yeah, well my room was pretty messy, it was a lot of work to clean it all up."

"I'm sure it was," was her only response. You could feel her piercing eyes out of the corner of yours, but you keep your eyes forward on the TV screen pretending to watch whatever the hell crappy show was on. You just know that Dawn had heard you and knew exactly what you were really doing in your room, you're just hoping she doesn't call you out on it.

After a couple of minutes, you sneak a peak at Dawn, hoping that her attention had returned to her phone. She's still staring at you. Had she been watching you this whole time? "What are you looking at?" you nervously ask her.

"Nothing. I was just looking at my Tumblr." Now you know something's up. Dawn hasn't posted to her Tumblr in didn't even think she still had her account. If your parents weren't in the next room, you would grill her about it, but you know that there's a good chance that they can hear you. So you decide to let it pass.

Another couple of minutes go by and you're actually kind of getting into whatever crap show your sister had turned on as background noise. All of a sudden, you hear the front door open and you know it must be Zack. You slink down even further into the couch so that he can't see you as he walks in. "Hey Dawn," he says as he zips through the living room without noticing you. He drops his laundry bag at the end of the hallway, which is weird because normally he likes to get that started as soon as he walks in. Seeing your parents in the kitchen, he adds, "Hey Mom, hey Dad."

"Hey Zachary, how's school going?" your dad says as Zack starts down the hallway towards the bedrooms.

"Good! I'll tell you all about it later," Zack says without missing a step.

"Here to do your laundry?" your mom asks, but he's already out of earshot down the hallway. You peak your head back up to look at where he's headed and you can see that he walks straight up to your bedroom. "Well he's sure in a hurry. I guess he probably needs to use the bathroom." Your mom doesn't notice that Zack opens up your bedroom door and walks in without knocking.

A giant smile lights up your face. You weren't sure if Zack would actually follow your instructions or not, but seeing how eager he is to come and see you just made your whole day. Your joy is short-lived however, when you catch the gaze of your sister. Your body language seems to confirm whatever she assumed was going on. "I bet Kim knows why he's cumming," Dawn says to your mother.

"Sshhhhut up!" you snap back at her.

"Girls, try and behave while your brother's here today, alright?" your father interjects.

A moment later, you see Zack walk back out of your room and close the door behind him. He has a befuddled look upon his face, and now you feel a little bad for leading him on. He walks back out to the living room and he finally sees you sitting on the couch. "Oh, hey Kimmy. Sorry I didn't see you there."

"I'm sure you've seen her other places," Dawn says.

"Huh?" Zack says as he stops and picks up the laundry bag he had just thrown on the floor a minute earlier.

You stand up and walk over to Zack. "Don't listen to her, she's acting weird today," you say to him as the two of you head into the laundry room. Zack opens up his laundry bag and starts emptying it out into the washing machine. "I wasn't sure if you were really cumming."

As he loads the wash, he pulls out a single dirty white sock from the bag and says, "I did. Right here. I should've known you were messing with me though. Good one, sis."

You feel you owe your brother an explanation, but since there's no door on the laundry room, you're worried that the rest of the family can still hear you. You try to keep your voice low as you say to him, "I wasn't messing with you, I meant what I said, but I didn't know if you were serious or not."

"What are you two talking about?" Dawn suddenly pokes her head into the laundry room. This is the most interest in your life she has ever shown, and it isn't hard to guess why.

Defensively, you respond with "Your face! I mean, that's a joke, right?"

Zack adds some detergent and turns on the washing machine. Thankfully, the rushing sound of water drowns out what Dawn says next: "Whatever. I'm not the one sexting with our brother online!"

"Dawn, shut the fuck up or I will kill you!" you say to her as you take another step closer to Zack and whisper in his ear: "Take me to your dorm."

He looks at you and says "I just started my laundry. We can't leave now. Maybe later, okay Kimmy?"

"Trying to find some place private where you two lovebirds can be alone?" Dawn taunts you.

"No, just some place that doesn't have your ugly face in it!" You feel a little bad for being so nasty to your big sister. Usually she's the one calling you ugly, so you know how hurtful your words can be. But it's about time she got a taste of her own medicine.

Trying to break up the feud, Zack says, "I've got to clean up in my room. Want to help, Kimmy?"

Your eyes light up. "Yeah," you say to him as you follow him out of the laundry room.

"Can I help you too, Zack?" Dawn says, knowing full well that she isn't invited.

"Like anyone wants your fat ass in their way!" you respond to her, trying not to enjoy talking shit too much. She's had this coming for a long time, in your opinion.

Dawn taunts the two of you all the way down the hallway as Zack leads you into his old bedroom. "There sure is a lot of 'cleaning' going on behind closed doors in this house today!" she loudly announces as you slam Zack's bedroom door closed in her face. Just to drive home the point, you decide to lock her out in case she decides to stick her nose in your business again.

"What was that about?" Zack asks you.

"She's probably jealous," you suddenly realize out loud. It never occurred to you that you might have to compete for your brother's affections with your own sister, but it kind of makes sense now. It would explain her odd behavior anyway.

"About what?" says Zack as he begins sorting through his old record collection in the corner.

"Nothing. Nevermind. I don't know why she's tripping," you say in rapid succession. You're trying your best not to act weird, but you're afraid it's not going to be enough. Your heart is racing at the realization that you are now alone with Zack at last, and locked inside his bedroom! Of course, you used to hang out in his room with him all the time when he still lived there, but that was before you knew he had any interest in your developing body. And that was before you knew what his dick looked like too. Honestly, you're having a hard time trying not to look at it now, but it does seem to be swelling up under his pants.

"So do you even listen to these any more?" he asks as he places some of his vinyl albums into an empty box. He had left his entire record collection here when he moved into the dorms and you remember asking him the day he moved out if he would mind if you could sneak into his room and listen to them when you really, really missed him. You practically lived in his bedroom for a week after that. You must have listened to every one of his records ten times each that week, especially the ones that made you think of him. You remember being so sad and missing him so much that you listened to them all night until you fell asleep in his bed. As time went on, you eventually managed to move back into your own bedroom, but you would still come in here at least once a day and listen to some of his music. You're kind of afraid to admit that you still do.

"Every now and again. You're not moving them into your dorm room, are you?"

"Just a few. Roger just got a killer sound setup in his room with a turntable, so I told him I'd bring a few of my favorites over to spin them later. And I might as well pack up some more of my shit too, since I'm going to be here all day."

"Oh, so I guess you'll be wanting your shirt back, too?"

Zack stops what he's doing to take a nice long look at your body. "You know, I think it looks better on you than it ever did on me."

"Okay... so I'll just keep wearing it then, I guess."

"Sure. I doubt it even fits me anymore." With that, he returns his attention to his record collection and you're left wondering what you're doing wrong.

You take a few steps closer to him and say "It's just that on the phone earlier, you ordered me to take it off right away. And I did."

"Yeah, I remember."

Why isn't this working? you wonder as you take another step closer to him. You are now practically in his face. Or at least you would be if he was paying attention to you like you had hoped. "Zack..." you say in the most sexy, sultry voice you can muster.

"Yes Kim?"

"Aren't you forgetting something?"

Zack looks at you again and just as you're convinced he's about to throw you down on his bed and have his way with you, he instead says "White Album! You're right. Roger's never heard the original mono mix. He's gonna flip his lid when he hears this, he loves this album!"

"Zack, I'm not talking about The Fucking Beatles!"

"Well the Zeppelin's already in here. That's the first one I grabbed."

"But you haven't grabbed me yet," you remind him since he's clearly oblivious to the sexy vibes you're sending his way.

"Don't be silly, Kim. You won't fit in this box, but I'd take you if I could."

"Then take me!"

"Oh, I'm definitely taking you, Kimmy. Don't worry about that. Mom might not let me keep you at the dorm, but I'll show you around again if you want."

Okay, what the fuck is going on? you wonder. You know he can't possibly be that oblivious, especially considering what you were texting about less than an hour earlier. Is he playing hard to get? If so, he's doing a really good job. Or maybe he's having second thoughts about having dirty thoughts about his little sister. You need to know for sure, and there's really only one way to find out...

Do you ?