
From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 16:25, 24 March 2021 by Cunnies (talk | contribs) (added worldbuilding details)
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You're going to get something to eat. You shuffle your body over to the side of your bed and gently coerce your legs into moving. As you slowly plant your feet and rise up, your feet brush the leggings you had been wearing before bed. As you stretch, you look down at them and see the crotch is stained with some white cream from the orgasm you had. You smile and walk groggily into the kitchen.

Opening up your cupboard, you see a box of Boom Tarts and some Plant Flakes, nothing that particularly appetizes you at this moment. But you know the café in the lobby will have some good food. Deciding you'll head there for breakfast, you grab your teleband, slip on a pair of comfy flip flops you use as slippers and head for the door.

The teleband is a piece of technology that has basically your whole life on it, and you never leave your apartment without it. It is your phone, your wallet, your keys, and a number of other small tools you might otherwise have to carry around with you. It takes the form of a fairly nondescript flexible band, about 5 inches long, that wraps around your forearm. Each one is programmed with the specific genetic code of its user, and when it senses it through the skin of someone wearing it, it will activate. Its entire surface is essentially a flexible touch screen, but in addition to images it can emulate the appearance of different materials and textures, allowing it to blend in with practically any outfit. Many people even get one surgically implanted into their body so they always have it with them. You haven't thought about going under the knife for that yet, but in any case you'd want to wait until you were fully-grown to have it done.

Slapping the band on to your arm, you're just about ready to go out the door, but then an idea strikes you: why not strip naked for your trip to the lobby?

Character Equipment Status
Name Sapphire Exo n/a Hungry
Age 10 Top Tank top (white)
Species Galaxian Bottom Pyjama shorts (pink)
Gender {{{Gender}}} Underwear n/a
Orientation {{{SO}}} Feet {{{Feet}}}
Skin color Pink-grey Other Teleband, Flip flops (red)
Hair color {{{Hair color}}}