
From All The Fallen Stories
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You giggle mischievously as you slip off your flip flops to slide your pink shorts down and kick them across the floor back towards your bed. You slide your shirt up over your head and throw it into the quickly growing mess of clothes on your floor. You then slip your flip flops back on, since you don't want your feet getting dirty. Excited, you open the door and, exposed apart from a small pad strapped to each foot and the faintly glowing band on your left forearm, you step out into the hallway.

Indecent exposure laws were still a thing, but they had changed significantly. Over time, human culture had grown more tolerant of public nudity and sexuality, and once galaxians started mingling into society and their children started expressing their sexuality, people started to get over the shock of seeing sexually provocative images of kids. Under current laws, you could only be charged if it was believed that you were exposing yourself or engaging in a sexual act in public with the specific intent of making someone else uncomfortable or harassing them. Obviously there is a large degree of subjectivity in this definition, so cases were dealt with on an individual basis when they did come up, but for the most part people just had a sense of what was now deemed acceptable. A man sitting naked on a park bench and casually pleasuring himself would probably not cause a problem, but a man throwing open his trenchcoat to expose his erect penis to a group of unsuspecting school children likely would. Still, what would make a given person uncomfortable varied widely. A nude (and quickly growing visibly aroused) 10-year-old girl would likely still cross that line for some people.

You wonder what interesting reactions you might get as you start walking down the hall of your apartment building, feeling your pussy lips squishing against each other as a wetness grows between them. You live on the 44th floor, so you round the corner towards the elevators, where a middle-aged human woman walking down the hall becomes the first person to witness your undressed walk. She simply smiles at you, so you smile back and continue casually towards the elevators. A camera detects your presence and calls for the next available elevator automatically, and you just bounce up and down impatiently. You then take a look down at your pussy and realize a drop of clear, sticky liquid has leaked out of you and might drip off, so you scoop it up on your finger and suck it off. You enjoy the taste of your own juice and pull your finger out from between your lips with small popping sound just as the elevator doors slide open. You're met with the gaze of a man and his son.

The man looks to be in his late 20s, with the boy beside him appearing to be about 6 or 7. They both seem shocked immediately upon seeing you, but the man quickly regains his composure and moves to exit the elevator. He grabs the hand of the stunned boy and says “Come on, Billy” as he begins practically dragging the boy, who still can’t stop staring at you, down the hall. You turn to smile and wave at the young boy before walking into the elevator. He had probably seen a naked girl before by his age, but maybe you feel that this was the first time he had a real live on in front of him. Or maybe you just really took him off-guard.

As you ride the elevator down to the ground floor lobby, you look at yourself in the mirror and get even more turned on seeing how totally exposed you are. You imagine that the elevator has to stop on every floor and more and more people get in, slowly filling the elevator until you get squished between two men, the growing bulges in their pants rubbing against your naked body. But in reality, the elevator makes it to the ground floor uneventfully and without picking up any more passengers. The doors slide open and, as much as part of you wants to just sink to the ground and start rubbing your pussy to the wonderful fantasy you’ve thought up, you step out into the atrium of the lobby.

The atrium is a large circular room, with the main entrance directly opposite the elevator doors and small shops and built into the walls around both sides. The café was on the other side of the lobby, right next to the front entrance, no doubt in hopes that passersby would spot a delicious treat or comfy place to rest through the wide front window and stop in. This did work quite well, but residents of the building still made up most of the patronage.

Your drag your fingers along the smooth teal plasticoid tiles of the wall as you make your way along the outside of the atrium, gathering looks from a number of the people scattered around the large room. You smile warmly at anyone who happens to make eye contact, which they usually respond to by smiling kindly back or looking away, embarrassed. As you come to the opening in the wall leading to the café, the hearty smell of coffee tickles your nose. You walk through and take a look around. The place is mostly empty, and the few customers that do notice you seem undisturbed. With the exception, that is, of a preteen human boy, just a year or two older than you, sitting at a table with a coffee and a tablet in front of him. He seems surprised immediately upon seeing you before quickly looking away, and then looking nervously at his lap.

You give your order of a coffee and an egg sandwich to the blue-haired teenage girl behind the counter, who seemed unfazed by your nudity. She likely couldn’t care less what customers wear, as long as they don’t make her job too much harder. Most customer service jobs of this type were now filled by robots, so you suspect this girl must know the owner of the place or something to have this job. As you wait for your coffee and food, you look around the place again. The boy is still looking around at anything but your naked rear that is now directly in front of him, with frequent worried glances at his crotch. Further into the store there is some open tables along the street-facing front window. A short minute later, you grab your breakfast and decide where to sit.

Character Equipment Status
Name Sapphire Exo n/a Hungry
Age 10 Top n/a
Species Galaxian Bottom n/a
Gender {{{Gender}}} Underwear n/a
Orientation {{{SO}}} Feet {{{Feet}}}
Skin color Pink-grey Other Teleband, Flip flops (red)
Hair color {{{Hair color}}}