Sexy Fun Times/Work/Daycare

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The taxi drops you outside the centre; you don't drive, because leaving your car outside in this part of town would be foolish. It's noisy and chaotic inside with the staff trying to get some breakfast into twenty or thirty preschoolers. Your staff; Nancy, Sarah and Harry are busy trying to spoon porridge into small mouths or comforting the little ones who want their mommies.

The outside of the centre looks has run down and shabby as all the other industrial units around, but inside all is clean and shiny. Your mother opened the centre after your father died and left her a wealthy widow; this part of town was where she grew up and opening the centre with fees geared to what the parents, most of them single mothers, could afford was her way of trying to improve things.

The problem is that the fees aren't enough to cover the cost of running the centre, so you had to come up with innovative ways to raise more funds and pedo porn has proved to be the easiest and the most lucrative idea so far although interest in your pictures seems to be waning somewhat. As soon as the babies are fed and sleeping and the toddlers are safely playing in the soft-playroom, you call the staff together.

"We need to come up with some way of making some more money," you say.

"Aren't the pictures enough," Nancy says.

The kids are running around, burning off energy. "Maybe we should adjourn 'till nap time," you say."

Your office is not large. There's a desk against one wall with your comfy swivel chair, a couch for visitors and a couple of filing cabinets. There are pictures of cute, happy children on the walls, some not wearing much, but nothing to worry an potential parent.

Nancy sits in the chair and Harry and Sarah sit on the couch.

"The Russians tell me (we sell the pictures to a Russian website) the pictures of naked children are still popular, but nobody wants to pay much money for them. They want more."

"What do you mean, more," Harry says.

"Don't be naive, Sarah says, they want hard-core, and not just pictures either. They want videos."

"Sarah is right," you say. "And they want to see the kids faces as well, the younger ones at any rate."

"I've seen the sort of thing they want," Harry says, surprising everyone. "Just for research, you understand. There's no need to harm the kids, very few of those videos show actual penetration, it's usually just some guy rubbing his cock between their legs or getting them to suck him."

Sarah and Nancy are looking slightly shocked, but you know exactly what he's talking about. "Maybe we should think about it," you say. "It's not just men with little girls either, women and little boys are very popular too."