Must be true/part 9

From All The Fallen Stories
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“Uhh… that’s not blood! Neither one of us are bleeding! There’s no blood on my penis or in your vagina either!” I said, quickly scrambling to un-injure whichever one of us started bleeding. I didn’t even know if it would work or how we wound up bleeding in the first place, but I was hoping it would be fine if I just said that neither one of us were bleeding.

“Uhh? But… no! I was sure I saw blood on your penis!” Jodi said, looking down at your penis again.

“Uhh… no! That was my semen!” I said quickly in a panic. “I don’t know how you mistook it for blood, it’s not even red!” I said. This entire time I was making up this story, I was looking down at my blood-smeared penis. Suddenly though, I noticed that what I had thought were blood smears were actually just some kind of a discoloration on my penis. It turned out to be a rash of some kind.

Right, I said she mistook something for blood. Now that I look at that rash covered in a thin glistening coat of my own semen, it kinda does look like something that a 6 year old who doesn’t know what semen is might mistake for blood at an off glance. There’s no way she would think that if she just looked a little closer, but maybe she could have made a mistake on first glance.

But, no, I knew better. That was definitely blood there before. I also noticed something else. Before I started lying about this, I had caught a glimpse of a thin trickle of red coming out from Jodi’s slit near where I’d stuck my penis in. However, now it was milky and white instead of red. The blood leaking from her had turned into more semen.

I tried my best not to comment on how some semen was leaking from her. If I did that, probably some of what I had ejaculated inside her before would also leak out as well.

I wanted to quickly distract myself, as well as her, from all this confusion and talk about bleeding and stuff. It was just making me upset that somehow I made her bleed when I stuck my penis in. So, to distract us both, I decided to do exactly the thing she has kept asking me to do the entire time.

“Ok, now how about I pee in your bladder?” I asked. “I should be able to just press my penis on your pee hole and then it will all go inside when I pee.”

Yes, that should work. When I was having trouble finding her vagina, my penis just slid right in after I said I was going to put it in her vagina ‘now.’ So, all I had to do was say something similar for her pee hole and it should all work.

I pushed the head of my penis between the tight puffy creases of her slit again. I honestly had no idea what I was doing, but I decided to trust my wierd poewer/curse on this one. “Alright, I’m going to push the pee hole on my penis right up against your pee hole now.” I told her, and then I pushed my penis into her privates harder. I felt some weird up-side-down V like thing against the top of my penis. It actually hurt a little, but it also helped keep me in place where I was pushing. I decided not to comment, but maybe that was part of her pee hole? But I didn’t feel anything on the bottom part of my penis though.

“Alright, I’m going to pee now and all of it’s going to go up your pee hole and into your bladder.” I told her. “It will be like you are peeing backwards!”

Jodi just made a nervous “mmm” sound in acnowledgement. I didn’t know quite what she was feeling, but this is what she’s been excitedly asking for ever since I accidentally made it so she “likes gross things.”

This all felt extremely awkward, but I decided to just go ahead and do it. I pushed with my stomach muscles, and then I felt the familiar sensations in my penis that meant I was peeing. It was really weird peeing without being able to see or even hear it splashing against anything. All I saw was just the tip of my penis disappearing into Jodi’s slit. Not even a single drop missed and trickled into the toilet.

“It feels hoooot.” Jodi complained. She kept staring down at my penis pressing into her privates though. She seemed like she didn’t even dare to move a single muscle.

Eventually, I could feel my urine stream… or maybe urine load at this point, gradually taper off. I squeezed out a few more quick spurts, which also managed to go up inside of her, but I had pretty much just emptied my own bladder directly into Jodi’s bladder.

“Mmmm… oh no! I can’t hold it!” Jodi complained, and then I felt something warm spray against the head of my penis. It splattered everywhere and I saw Jodi close her eyes and reel her head back before I managed to remove the head of my penis away so it was no longer obstructing her stream.

I moved a little bit away, but didn’t sit up from the front of the toilet seat or pull my legs out from under Jodi’s as I watched her urine stream only just barely miss my balls as it went into the toilet.

There was something really gross, but also somehow magical about the sound of Jodi’s pee which was just my pee a minute ago trickling into the toilet for what felt like hours.

Jodi still seemed quiet as the last of her restored load of urine trickled out, but then when she finally spoke her first word was a long and fascinated “Woooow!” She seemed absolutely mesmerized, and that removed a lot of the anxiety I was beginning to build up over her silence.

She suddenly looked up at me with a beaming and excited smile. “It actually worked!” She said, and then her smile became even bigger as it transformed into a toothy grin. “Wow! Boy privates are awesome! You can pee inside girls’ privates! That was so cool!”

What now?
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