JoS/Kanna/7th Journal - Trip to Vivec

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Hearthfire, 27th, 3E 427

Retrieving Kanna from Cyrodiil wasn't as difficult a job as I feared it would be, as I spent most of it traveling. I'm so happy she's reunited with Karim now, but my happiness was nothing in comparison to what they were feeling when they met. Like, I know they're siblings who have known each other forever, and that they're the only family they have left, but I had no idea they missed each other that much. Makes me jealous of them… I kind of wish I still had family left…

I felt like I owed that to Karim for all he did to me when we first met, but now he says he owes me… I think we should just drop the whole thing of "owing" each other and just do what we can to help each other, if you know what I'm saying. No debts, just favors.

Karim suggested that it might be a good idea for Kanna to travel with me more sometime in the future, as seeing him live and travel with a young girl who shares obvious resemblance to him is going to make things dangerous for both of them, considering that she's on the run, and that the Legion is on both of their cases in different ways. I suppose that's a good idea, as I would love to spend more time with her as well, but for now, it'll have to wait. We could obviously help each other out a lot, but me and him, we both have a feeling she's not up to going on an adventure with me just yet, not when she wants to be with his beloved brother.

After Karim, the first person I visited was my boss, who luckily didn't make a fuss about my unexplained absence. Caius just said that it was good to see me again and started going on about another task he has for me. He has a grand total of three informants for me to interview this time, all of who I can find in Vivec City. I'll get to that as soon as I can.

He also insisted in "using" me. That cramped little bed used to feel so small, way too small for two people, but I'm starting to get used to it, even though I don't sleep with him as often as I used to. Is it weird for me to enjoy it?

Visiting the guilds for any work I could get my hands on was also on my bucket list. Mages Guild had some grievances about unsanctioned training going on in the South Wall Cornerclub, which just goes to show how much they want to control magic, how and where it's taught and so on. I managed to convince the Argonian to stop his training… Or rather, to be a little bit more careful about it in the future, or else he would get in trouble. Let's just say, we came to a mutual understanding, and Ranis paid me for the job she thought I completed as requested.

Habasi gave me some work as well. First I had to "steal" some valuable vintage Brandy from a recently deceased Dunmeri nobleman here in Balmora. I used steal in quotation marks, because can you really steal from a dead man? I suppose inheritance is still a thing, or maybe it counts as looting… Whatever, it didn't belong to me, that's for sure. There's a lot talk on the streets about the murder, so I guess he was murdered, but by whom? Doesn't matter to me as long as my life isn't in danger.

The other job Habasi gave me requires some traveling, and I've been tasked on freeing a prisoner kept in Fort Pelagiad. Habasi had a nice little plan for me regarding how to succeed with this, and according to her, this mission shouldn't be too dangerous. Pelagiad just so happens to be on the road to Vivec, so I'll stop by gladly.

I also decided it's high time for me to study and learn about the Great Houses. There are five of them, with only three having territories on this island. House Indoril and Dres are more prominent on the mainland, with Dres mostly occupying the southern marshlands where they grow their farms and their plantations using slave labor, and Indoril being the ultra orthodox, ultra conservative protectors of the Temple doctrine. Neither has no ground here in Vvardenfell as well, but considering that Vivec City is considered a holy city, a place of residence for the Lord Vivec of the Tribunal, the Ordinators trained by Indoril tend to guard the city.

Hlaalu is the most imperialized of the great houses. Although they welcome their Imperial overlords, their laws and their bureaucracy, they're also viewed by the broader public - especially the other houses - as dishonest and corrupt. Money tends to do that to people… Not that I'm criticizing them. I don't like the bureaucratic side of Empire all that much, but I respect the hustle. It has made them money, so can I really criticize them all that much? All in all, while I can see the perks of allying with them, joining them doesn't sound too interesting to me.

Redoran is a house of warriors that respects law, order, and most importantly of all, honor. They consider themselves defenders of Morrowind, and while they are vocal supporters of an independent Morrowind, they do consider the Empire their allies, and see the Legion as warriors worthy of their respect. They're also very loyal to the Tribunal Temple, second only to Indoril. Needless to say, this organization doesn't interest or even fit me.

Lastly, there's the Telvanni, the house I've already written about once: secluded, isolationist mages who settle the north-eastern regions of Morrowind, valuing the pursuit of arcane arts above everything else. They're seen as hostile towards other Great Houses, as well as the Empire, but based on what I've learned, it feels like a bit of a mischaracterization, as they really, really just want to be left alone to their own communities and research.

The Telvanni most certainly seem like the House that would suit me the best, perhaps even more so than the Mages Guild. I'm not sure if it will be possible for me to be part of these two organizations at once, but I guess I could at least try? I'll have to think about it at least.

Last and probably also the least, that tall man in a golden mask with three red glowing eyes appeared to me in my dream again. This is the second time already. It was a strange one as I found myself floating in air as a ghostly figure, with my own naked, inanimate body laying in the middle of a stone table surrounded by candles. He spoke to me something, but I don't really remember what. I reached out to touch my own body, which caused me to return to it, and for it to sit up slowly. When I opened my eyes, I was awake, and the dream had ended. I still don't know what to make of these weird dreams with that weird man who I've never even seen appearing from out of nowhere…

Regardless, I'll be traveling alone for a while and visit Vivec City for that assignment Caius gave me.

End of current content.